Security Breach

Choose one behavior that you have observed in clinical practice or that you have read about that you believe would constitute or could lead to a breach of the security or privacy of patient data. Examples could include sharing passwords among staff members, having patient data posted on monitors or displays where it could be read by others, disposing of computers or other equipment (e.g. digital copiers) without properly ensuring that all data has been removed, or allowing physicians or others to use their own personal devices (e.g. iPads) to access the EHR system without requiring them to meet the same security standards as company owned equipment. More real-life examples can be found here:

Write a fictitious narrative describing a worst case scenario incident at a hospital or physician’s office. Describe the situation in detail, including what factors led to the breach, how the breach was discover, what harm was suffered by patients as a result, and what penalties were imposed on both the organization and individuals involved in the case. Your penalties should be consistent with what other organizations have received for similar violations (if available).

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