Read with understanding three articles on SMART goal setting. Identify at least one professional goal. Outline the goal and its attainment by creating a SMART goal outline. Describe the metric for this goal and discuss how you will track the meeting of the metric through writing a 5-paragraph minimum essay with supporting documents. Attach a reference page and cite in the body of the paper, using APA style. The essay will include a definition of the goal, a description of how the goal was chosen along with how the goal will be achieved. Supporting documents include at least one chart outlining time spent on goal acquisition during unit of study, and a timeline outlining initiation of goal and projected progress toward goal, and date of goal completion.

Grading Guidelines Meets Expectations
Needs Improvement

S-Specific Goal is clearly stated and fully described. 20 points Goal stated but lacks descriptive language. 15 points. Goal either not stated or too general to be measurable. 10 points
M- Measurable Goal can be assessed and evaluated. 20 points Goal can be assessed and evaluated but with lesser degree of clarity. Difficult to measure because of lack of clarity. 15 points Goal lacks structure for assessment and evaluation. Progress or achievement cannot be measured. 10 points
A-Attainable Goal is appropriate and realistically achievable. 10 points Goal is somewhat appropriate but does not provide enough challenge for growth. 8 points Goal is inappropriate for the task. 5 points
R-Relevant Goal is realistic and directly correlates to the task. 10 points Goal is realistic but lacks clarity in relation to the task. More description is needed. 8 points Goal is not realistic and does not relate well to the task. 5 points
T-Timely Goal has a specific timeframe for achievement. 10 points Goal lacks a beginning or ending. 8 points Goal has no timeframe. 5 points
Overall structure of paper (citations, grammar, logical flow, clarity, structure, spelling, APA format) Focused, with relevant content. Use of proper grammar and spelling. Proper APA style.
30 points Confusing or inconsistent arrangement of content. Some errors in grammar or spelling. Some APA errors. 20 points Unfocused writing, inappropriate sources, many spelling or grammar errors and/or APA style errors. 10 points
Total Points 100

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