The Biography The biography paper should be a fairly easy paper to start with this semester. The format of the paper should more than likely be a chronological one, which should be given to you by the course of your person/entity’s life. The key to this paper is focusing on the important/significant aspects. While it is noteworthy that Spider-man’s parents are Richard and Mary Parker, there is no real reason to still be on your person/entity’s childhood/parents unless they achieved most of the greatness that you’re discussing while they were still in high school. That said, what high school they went to, even what college (if they went to college) is inconsequential unless it is important to why they are important. The bottomline is that the reason you chose this person/entity is because they must have done something significant over the course of their lifetime.
Introduce us to your person. This will require a little early background info, but not pages and pages. Give context to the reason they’re significant. For instance, if you were doing MLK Jr., and you were focusing on his significance to the Civil Rights Movement, you would have to give a good context of what America was like before MLK that it would warrant a figure such as himself to step up and make an impact. Explain their significance, both to their country and to anything else that they might have been instrumental in founding/changing. The more significant things you highlight in your person/entity’s life, the easier this paper should be to write. Find a satisfactory conclusion. This should help to show further the meaning/impact that this person/entity’s life had on ________. It may be helpful to start by outlining the organization of this paper so you know what you want to talk about. On top of that, remember this paper needs to be in MLA format, complete with proper heading/font/spacing/and formatted Works Cited Page. 1000 words. That’s about 4 typed pages with a 5th page being the WC. You shouldn’t worry about Word Count as much as fully explaining your content. A good 950 word paper can say more than a bad 1500 word paper. Also, remember that you need to have about 5 credible/academic sources. Internet sources may NOT be used unless approved by me. A paper that is comprised of too many internet sources risks a lower grade. If you need help with research, I am always here. And don’t forget, librarians are your friends.