Being good is being abused

Have you ever been abused by being so good to people? Have you ever thought about on being good? Being good is a good characteristics of people it has so many ways on how people appreciate it, for example it gives happiness to people, it gives encouragement on people who are feeling alone and many other things. Being is also showing your character to other pepople in a good way, how they know you on your attitude. This character has so many positive effects to other people on how they judge you in your attitude. But what if you are being abused by other people because you have a personality of being good? Is it worth it to always do what they want? For example here in Holy Angel University, when someone is always giving an AS, some students got irritated because of always asking and asking, and sometimes you are a sore eye for just declining on what they want. According to Karan Vithalani (2017) “ Being always good to a person who is ignoring, deisrespecting, not behaving properly, etc. Whatever, for that type of people we should give our best attitude towards thaem that they can;t be able to disrespect us or can’t hurt our good people thinking.” Good people should deserve a good feedback to the people who are abusing it like just a simple thank you can give an appreciation to the one who is good. All i am saying is being good is a good thing but abusing the people who is good is a bad thing, like this qoute says “Sometimes being nice is a bad thing dangerous.” This might hurt someone or give a bad effect to the people who are doing good things. So i am living a quote to the people who are abusing the people who are good “ Even the nicest person have their limits.” So don’t abuse the good ones.

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