Coaching (self-control. , resilient)

What did you do as the coach? I interview my coachee and ask him some questions

what was the coaching topic? about the skills that he needs to improve in self-control (control his emotions in work )and resilient (recover soon from failing in business)

What coaching feedback did you provide? analyses of his behavior and give him
some advice

what should the coachee keep doing, start doing, and stop doing? emotions: he should stop response immediately when something went wrong, he should take a deep breath and using his professional to salve the problems calmly and don’t let his emotions affect his professional. resilient: He should stop Immersed in bad emotions when he meets failure in his business, he should start focus on other goals and learn from his previous mistakes, and try to make better decisions next time

What did you learn as the coach that could improve your coaching, mentoring, and leadership development skills?
While we coaching others we can also discover our own problems, and in sharing solutions to each other, we can learn from each other with many of the skills we previously did not know

What did you learn as the coachee that could improve your leadership skills?

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