Case study report

Write a single case study report in response to this case study:
Daniela, a 26 year old single unemployed woman was diagnosed with cervical cancer a couple of years ago. She reported irregular menstrual cycle for 9 months leading up to the diagnosis. She had noticed increased bleeding, abdominal pain and poor appetite. She has been receiving chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment since. She describes her desperation for pain relief as follows: “I am willing to have my bottom cut off if it can take my pain away”. Emily had her menarche at the age of 12 and has been pregnant 6 times and has five daughters and the oldest is aged 10 years. She reports that 2 grandparents and an aunt had cancer but she is unsure of the type of cancer. Her mother, sister and aunt have hypertension and diabetes. She smokes approximately 2 packs of cigarettes per week and drinks 3 beers a day.

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