school law interview

Many administrators love to talk about what they do and what they have experienced. Capitalizing on this, students will interview an educational administrator-at either your own school, another school, or the central office – regarding a legal situation that they have been involved in. The situation does not have to have become a court case and may be a situation where a potential legal issue was averted because of administrator or school system actions. If the issue ended up in court, know about the particulars of the outcome.
Examples of such situation might include (but are not limited to) teacher infractions, student infractions, special education issues, a parent law suit, or even a situation between the central office and/or school board.
complete a report on your investigation should be based on first-hand information only such as could be obtained via an interview, attending an open school board meeting, or other such meeting – but it must include the following:
1. An introduction explaining the topic and why it is important you as a future school administrator. If specific law governs the situation, this is a good place to explain the law.
2. An overview of the specific situation being described
3. How school law relates to the situation (be as specific as possible)
4. The outcome and/or conclusion
5. A reflection as to whether, in your opinion, the outcome was positive or negative and why.

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