The Revolution of the prophet Mohammed Manuscript.

This dissertation has two-part (practical and research), I will need to work with the writer step by step to achieve.
I will start first with the University requests and after that, I will explain about the topic.
paper discussing 5500 words, the rest of the extra information needed
University requests:
1. Annotated bibliography
This will be a separate document to the project report to be handed in. It will consist of the references you have used in the project report but each reference will be annotated.
• Must be submitted on A4 paper
• Page numbers should be placed on the top right hand side of the page. Just include
the number i.e. 5 not page 5.
• Use a simple plain (sans serif) type face such as Arial, Palatino or Helvetica.
• Minimum 12 point font size
• Double spaced text
• Left hand margin must be 4cm wide (to facilitate binding.) The right hand margin
does not need to be as big – if possible make it 2 cm wide. Start each new section on a new page.
Use the Harvard system.
In your writing use an impersonal tone. For example instead of writing, ‘I lifted the leather from the spine using a bone folder and a spatula’, you would write ‘the leather was lifted from the spine using a bone folder and spatula’. You are also to write the report in the past tense eg ‘the paper was deacidified’.
Include photographs of your object before and after treatment. Other photographs, drawings or diagrams should illustrate specific points in your text. Include illustrations in the body of the text located close to the relevant text. Make sure that any illustrations used are clear. Do not make them too small. Use common sense when deciding how many illustrations to use i.e. don’t overload the report with illustrations. If in, doubt ask.
Title page. Name. Group. Title of Project. Date
Abstract. (This will be based on your proposal) Very short summary of the project – 2 to 4 sentences e.g. ‘this project describes the conservation of a 19th century watercolour. Its condition prior to treatment is reported followed by an account of its conservation treatment. Finally the results of the treatment are evaluated’.
Acknowledgements. A list of people who have helped you. It is important where relevant to include anybody from outside Camberwell who has been of assistance.
Contents. List of section headings and their starting page numbers. You may number sections if you wish i.e. 1. Introduction, 2 Condition Report..etc. Subsections may be numbered thus: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3.1, 2.3.2. Try not to overcomplicate your project in terms of sections and subsections.
List of Illustrations. List the illustrations sequentially giving their page numbers.
Introduction. This should include a brief description of the object or objects including the media used, substrate type, construction/making/manufacture and its condition. These aspects are then reported in more detail in the next section. The introduction should also include a discussion of the historical and cultural background of the object. In some cases this discussion will be very generic i.e. information about the specific object concerned will not be available from the historical record but you will be able to discuss the object type.
Condition report. A detailed description of the object including details of the substrate or substrates, the media and the condition of the object. You should include details of the methods used to examine the object (techniques, equipment names etc).
Treatment Proposal. A brief discussion of the original treatment plan/conservation approach proposed for the object and its aims. The major ethical, theoretical and/or technical issues identified at this stage should be considered.
Discussion of the Treatment. A discussion of the treatments carried out to the object (including mounting/storage methods as relevant). Remember to include details of equipment and materials used. This section (as indeed all of the others) should be written as text, not presented in tabular form. You do not need to include dates however the duration of treatments is important (seconds, minutes, hours, days etc).
Concluding Discussion and Treatment Evaluation. An overview of the results of the project: how well were the treatment aims matched, what were the effects of any changes to the treatment plan. What theme or themes are developed or illustrated by your project. Critically reflect on your project.
Appendices. These can be used but must be kept to a minimum.
About the project:
I will upload the proposal report, object documentation and base on that will start writing the steps.
The most importatnt part that all the treatment wiil be base on:
poplems and questions, The project will have given rise to questions/problems that should be addressed in the report. You must also be able to critically evaluate your work.
Evidence of an analytical and investigative approach should be shown. For example your report should demonstrate how you have reached decisions regarding the treatments and final housing of objects including where appropriate an account of discussions with the owning institution or individual (of the objects) regarding project conservation aims and the context of the project object or objects. You may wish to draw out a theme running through the project such as a particular technical, historical, theoretical, scientific or ethical issue raised by your project.

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