Argumentative essay, Abrahamic approaches to wastefulness


Write an argumentative essay on the central theme of the course, Abrahamic approaches to wastefulness
1) Write a critical analysis of approaches to wastefulness in any of the Abrahamic traditions discussed in class (theory). (Alternatively, you can compare and contrast two different traditions, critically analyzing their approaches to wastefulness holistically.) Your paper must include a thesis statement, a clear introduction providing a brief overview of your paper, and a conclusion. You should clearly connect your paper to key course ideas, lectures, experiences, and readings with proper references.
At a minimum, your paper should reference six different sources. Of these six, at least three must be from academic books or joumal articles. These may include readings from the course syllabus. The other three references can be from organizational websites, environmental declarations, class lectures, videos, etc. You are encouraged, however, to go beyond the minimal requirements and incorporate more sources.
Please submit your assignment as a Word document, 1.5 line spacing, with a 12pt font. I chose to compare and contrast Christianity and Jewish traditions as well as their approaches to wastefulness As a general guideline, make sure you try to use a diversity of course sources (readings, lectures) related to your topic. You are also encouraged to incorporate research from other academic sources.

What key course concepts do you plan to employ in your paper?
You might want to consider what values they have in common, which ones are different, how these values are framed, and even a few implications for practice.

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