1. The application of leadership strategies is critical in the modern educational setting. Which of the current educational leadership strategies is most likely to improve student performance over the long term? Why?
2. Competing in a global economy requires a specific set of skills, abilities, and knowledge that can be transferred to a variety of situations and cultures. Which of these are most significant to students? Why? Which of these are most important to educational leaders? Why?
3. With the increase of political and economic globalization comes a plethora of perspectives that educational leaders must balance in order to be successful personally and to lead students to success. Which of these trends in global education perspectives must educational leaders be most cognizant? Why?
4. The notion of scaffolding is one of the current trends in educational models. Will the use of scaffolding break the cycle of the education pendulum and help move the discipline more toward a spiral? Why or why not?
5. Consider the research design and methodology expressed in Chapter 3 of the Barisich dissertation. Would a similar design and methodology be suitable for your intended dissertation study? Why or why not?