Please select an article that you have read from a copy of The Wall Street Journal dated within the previous 6 months. This article must be clearly related to
concepts or topics covered in the textbook, generally Diversity.
Note: Only TWSJ articles may be used for this assignment.
Be sure to attach a title page. Centered information on the student, course, and due/submission dates.
• Complete an accurate bibliographic citation (APA)—demonstrates the student’s ability to cite reference material.
• SUMMARY—A cogent summary of the WSJ article—demonstrates the student’s ability to express the ideas of others in her or his own words.
• RELEVANCY—How is the article relevant to this course—demonstrates the student’s ability to draw important distinctions between what is learned in the
classroom and what is happening in the “real world.”
• REACTION—Researcher’s reaction to the article—demonstrates the student’s ability to think critically and formulate an informed position.