produce ONE essay (4000 words). In this assignment students are asked: a. to evaluate a set of ELT materials (i.e. a coursebook) currently used on the basis of their understanding of current trends, approaches, methods and techniques in ELT, taking into account teacher and learner factors as well as the constraints under which teaching takes place and b. to adapt or supplement their materials in the light of their evaluation.

In particular, there are three parts to the assessment. Students need to:

a) Evaluate a set of materials (for example a unit of a coursebook, a specific part of some/all course book units) on the basis of the following:

i.Context analysis and needs analysis

• Include a discussion of constraints and institutional factors such as length of course, course aims, official syllabus, public exams, class size etc.

• Include a teacher needs analysis (i.e. teaching experience, language competence, preferred teaching style and method etc.). This may be done in a table format and you can include it in the appendices. There should, however, be a discussion of the teacher’s needs in the main body of the assignment.

• Include a learner needs analysis (i.e. age range, proficiency level, first language etc.). This may be done in a table format and you can include it in the appendices. There should, however, be a discussion of the learner needs in the main body of the assignment.

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