5 min video by use adobe Premiere using the topic; family and love

Make a 5 min video by use adobe Premiere using the topic; family and love (we should spend more time to take care our parents and family, and Don’t wait to regret the loss of a loved one.). Imagin few questions about this.


1. Substantively Critique 2 of your fellow classmate’s individual projects in their current standing

2. Your discussions should be no shorter than 20 minutes per person – dive deep and give them real feedback that will help them to improve/flesh out their project

3. Take notes during your critiques so you can utilize the feedback into your project (and credit the person who gave you that feedback)

Questions to answer:

1. Record your classmate’s first and last name

2. What positive feedback did they give you? How will you use this information to better your project?

3. What constructive criticism did they give you? How will you use this information to better your project?

4. In your conversation, did anything come up that you weren’t expecting?

5. How well did you articulate your project to your classmate? Was it easy or difficult to explain your idea? Why?

6. Add any other relevant details that cropped up in your discussions.

Write up/turn in:

1200 – 1600 words total (dedicate an equal amount of your written word count to both critique sessions)
For both people, answer all of the questions thoughtfully and completely.
Give full, robust answers. If you don’t feel like you can answer these questions in great detail, talk to your partner again.
Turn in the notes you took during your discussions at the end of your write up. These notes don’t count toward the overall word count.

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