How is a literary theme represented in a short story?

How is a literary theme represented in a short story?
You will develop a paper that answers this question and demonstrates the following outcomes for writing and literature.

You will be able to
• Analyze literature for a purpose
• Distinguish digital or print materials through annotation to demonstrate reading and summary skills
• Identify a theme in a short story
• Identify one to three examples in the story that support the theme
• Write a thesis statement that clearly identifies the title of a story, its author, the theme, and what the paper will discuss about the story and the theme
• Write clear topic sentences for paragraphs that let the reader know what the paragraph will discuss
• Write paragraphs that explain how the examples from the story support the theme
• Arrange a paper by presenting paragraphs in a logical and interesting fashion
• Write sentences in standard American English that clearly express ideas
• Demonstrate the MLA style of formatting in the layout of a paper
• Demonstrate the MLA style of formatting by documenting material from the story within the paper and on a Works Cited page
• Explain in a clear and logical fashion what you have learned about your writing

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