Use the C programming language to model a circuit with
two voltage sources.
As a starting point you are supplied with information containing:
a) The calculations of the values of equation coefficients (in part 1, section a,
page 2):
b) Circuit diagrams in Figures 1 and 2 on page 3.
The assignment should be designed using stepwise refinement and be
implemented in Microsoft Visual C++.
The assignment work is divided into 3 parts and each part should be
Lecture notes, textbooks and open resources in the lecture and
tutorial/practical lab time.
The assignment aims at achieving the following learning Outcomes
1. Knowledge and Understanding Outcomes
1.1 Knowledge and experience of how to test software and how to document software
using comments.
2. Ability Outcomes
2.1 Ability to create a well-written computer program from a detailed design
2.2 Ability to employ stepwise refinement to design and implement software which
meets a specified requirement.
2. Assignment Specification
The assignment is divided into 3 parts.
PART 1: Calculations of the values of equation coefficients [15 marks]
Refer to figure 1 and figure 2:
a) Use Kirchhoff’s voltage law to develop standard mesh equations in a form
suitable for solution using Cramer‘s Rule, according to the following
cf32155 Assignment 2017-18 page 2 of 5

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