Book Rolodex

Prepare 20 book rolodex which means read 6 picture books and write 2-4 word summary and 2-4 sentence analysis or critique. The book age group should be kinder grader- first grade then i need 8 modern fantasy books>. age vary from 3 grade to 12 grade ( 3 modern fantasy book for 3-5 grade,2 modern fantasy book for 6-8 , 3 modern fantasy book for 8-9 amd so onn and also 2-4 words of summary and 2-4 sentence of analysis of each book and also i need 8 biography book age vary . i know its not clear but i will upload assignment sheet

It is important as educators that we have a library of resources we can turn to when it comes to creating a print rich environment…and you will start that library in this class. For this assignment, I would suggest that your group get started right away because it can take some time to complete and you definitely do not want to try to complete this assignment at the last minute.

For this assignment, your group will need the following items:
• Book rolodex template (See page three)
You will complete nine sets of annotated bibliography cards using the following format:
Set 2: Picture book (8 minimum). 7 picture books that vary in age range (Toddler and
Set 4: Modern Fantasy Books (7 Minimum): 6 modern fantasy books that vary across age range, and 1 Optional Minority Choice book.
Set 8: Biographies (5 minimum)
Special Notes:
Optional Minority Choice: African American, Asian American, Native American, Latino, religious minority, disability, or alternative sexual preferences are included in this section. These are not Euro-American. Vary the ethnicity you choose. In addition, please make sure you indicate this selection clearly by saying something like, “This is my Optional Minority Choice book for Books for the Very Young.”
Type an annotation for each book, using your own words and Standard English conventions, such as complete sentences, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling. You will need a new index card for each book. See the sample Bibliography.
Age ranges are:
• Toddler: 1-3 years old
• Preschool: 3-5 years old
• School Age: 5-12 years old
• Teen: 12-18 years old
***Varying age ranges means choose two different categories***

You should have 20 cards.

Template (Please Remove This When Typing the Final Product)
Group Members Names
Member One:
Member Two:
Member Three:
Member Four:
Member Five:
Book Information
Title of Book:
Publication Date:
Number of Pages:
Age Ranges:
Optional Minority Choice? Yes or No
Summary (Use your on word; 3-4 sentences; setting, characters, plot, conflict, resolution):
Critique (Include features of genre featured in class. See page 4 for critique help):
Response (How did you (or the child) react? What struck you? How do you relate it to your life?”

The following are questions to GUIDE your critique:
• Was the setting clear?
• Give your opinion of the main characters.
• Could you tell the protagonist and antagonist of the story?
• Were the characters well developed and realistic?
o Were the characters realistic and culturally accurate?
• Did the plot keep you engaged? If so, what was it in the plot that kept you engaged? If not, how would you change it?
• Could you identify the problem the characters faced?
o Was this problem real world relevant?
• Did the beginning, middle, and ending satisfy you? If not, why?
• Was the story easy to follow?
• Does the overall tone welcome you? Or is it off-putting in any way? Describe
• Was there any point at which your interest began to fade? What would you have done differently to prevent that fade.
• Did you understand the theme? Was the theme real world relevant?
• Is this book appropriate for the audience?
• Did the illustrations, if any, draw you in? If not, what recommendations would you make?
• What were your opinion of the main characters?
o Did you understand who was who and what their problems/goals were?
o Did you have any problems keeping track of the characters?

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