
1. Reply to each question in the assignment and use level headings to organize your responses.

2. It is a scholarly paper – follow APA format. Contact me for any clarifications.

3. Examine your Turnitin similarity matches (not just the & score) and correct them before you submit the paper to the assignment dropbox. Note that course instructors are shown which students examine their score and the paper with matches. Use Turnitin to your advantage.

4. Part I

Question 2d – Regulatory – be sure to think about how an APRN will be able to practice telehealth under the Enhanced Nurse Licensure Compact in your state

Question 3. Generate a table of benefits/challenges and cite the sources in the table to support your statements.

5. Part III.

Question 8 – be sure the websites are for patient education purposes – where will you refer them to find info about how to improve their health status?

Question 9. Assess the actual reading levels of a page from each website. What reading level is required by the consumer who must read those pages? Identify what tool you used to calculate the reading level.

Question 10 – search for well-known criteria for evaluating health websites – what are those criteria for a credible website? Use those in your teaching plan.

6. References – requires a minimum of 4 peer-reviewed sources – does not include the two health websites for the consumer for question 8.

7. Always run the grammar and spell checker in Word before submitting any work. Make corrections in spelling and grammar before submitting (see grading rubric).

8. Plan ahead to ensure enough time to complete an exemplary paper.

Assignment 2: Telecommunication Technology and the Delivery of Health Services Scholarly Paper (30 points)
In healthcare today, many patients/clients are increasing using remote telehealth applications (mHealth) for monitoring their health status. At the same time, in clinics and hospitals, primary care providers (PCPs) including master’s prepared nurses are being challenged by patient/client questions concerning healthcare-related information and practices reported on the Internet. This assignment relates to telehealth care, the impacts of telehealth on the master’s prepared nursing role, and the use of standards to evaluate and recommend credible websites to patients.

In this paper, students will examine telehealth, discuss one specific emerging telehealth tool, and identify implications of how telehealth impacts emerging telehealth nursing roles. Students will also use standard criteria to identify credible websites for a selected telehealth population and design a teaching plan to empower this population to evaluate health information on the Web.

Assignment Criteria:
Students will develop a scholarly paper composed and organized to include:
I. Telehealth Care and Telenursing (1-5)
1. Discuss the clinical and non-clinical uses of telehealth care and telenursing technology and provide examples
2. Identify the most current professional, ethical, and required safety and security provisions/standards for telehealth applications:
a. Professional e.g., telenursing professional organizations
b. Ethical (including the American Nurses Association’s Code for Nurses with Interpretive Statements)
c. Legal (including “Meaningful Use” according to American Recovery and Reinvestment Act [ARRA])
d. Regulatory (address nursing licensure requirements for telenursing practice such as the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) Enhanced Nurse Licensure Compact)
3. Generate a table showing the major benefits and current challenges to adoption of telehealth applications for both healthcare professionals and patients/consumers. Support benefits and challenges with references within the table.
4. Analyze how telehealth affects patients’ empowerment and patients’ engagement in their own health
5. Discuss how the master’s prepared nurse in an advanced practice role would evaluate the quality and effectiveness of a telehealth tool utilized by patients and families
II. Telehealth Applications for a Population (6-7)
6. Identify one specific remote monitoring system/telehealth tool appropriate for a selected patient population using telehealth applications.
a. Describe the tool’s purpose
b. Identify which standardized nursing and medical language(s) are captured by this tool
c. Explain how the selected telehealth tool addresses each of the three dimensions of the IHI Triple Aim
• Access the Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s [IHI] website at
d. Explain how the master’s prepared nurse will be impacted by the telehealth application
7. Analyze the role of the telenurse in using and educating the patient about this specific telehealth tool
a. What training would be needed by the telenurse and patient?
b. What equipment would be required by the patient?
c. How will the nurse use this system?
d. What data will be monitored by the telenurse?
e. What actions will the nurse take in response to transmission and monitoring of patient data?
f. How would the nurse assess the patient and family’s response to this telehealth tool?

III. Evaluating Health-Related Websites for Populations (8-10)
8. Identify two credible health-related web sites for the preferred patient population useful to ensuring this population’s health status
9. Explain why (what specific aspects/parts of the website) the master’s prepared nurse would recommend these websites to this population.
a. Assess and report the reading level (readability) of information presented on one page from each website.
b. Cite the tool used to assess readability levels
10. Present a content outline of a teaching plan to educate these patients about how to select a reputable and credible health website to manage their health.
a. Reference the health website evaluation criteria for ensuring trustworthiness of the information
b. Cite sources
11. The scholarly paper should be in narrative format, 6 to 8 pages excluding the title and reference page.
12. Include an introductory paragraph, purpose statement, and a conclusion.
13. Include level 1 and 2 headings to organize the paper.
14. Write the paper in third person, not first person (meaning do not use ‘we’ or ‘I’) and in a scholarly manner. To clarify: I, we, you, me, our may not be used. In addition, describing yourself as the researcher or the author should not be used.
15. Include a minimum of four professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal references to support the paper (review in Ulrich Periodical Directory) and be less than five (5) years old.
16. APA format is required (attention to spelling/grammar, a title page, a reference page, and in-text citations).
17. Submit the assignment to Turnitin Direct prior to the final submission, review the originality report, and make any needed changes.
18. Submit to the Assignment Drop Box by the posted due date.

Assignment 2: Telecommunication Technology and the Delivery of Health Grading Rubric (Total 30 points)
Assignment Criteria 12 points 10 points 8 points 4 points
All topics/criteria addressed, and all questions fully answered. All topics/criteria addressed, and most questions fully answered. All topics/criteria addressed, and most questions partially answered. One or more topics/criteria not addressed or completely answered.
Quality/Accuracy of Information 10 points 6 points 4 points 2 points
Information clearly relates to the main topic/criteria. It includes several supporting details and/or examples. Information clearly relates to the main topic/criteria. It provides supporting details and/or examples. Information clearly relates to the main topic/criteria. A few details and/or examples are given. Information has little or nothing to do with the main topic/criteria.
Organization 4 points 2 points 1 points 0 points
Information is very organized with well-constructed paragraphs and levels of heading. Information organized with well-constructed paragraphs and levels of heading. There is an attempt at organization, but errors exist. No levels of heading. The information or overall structure appears disorganized.
Sources 4 points 2 points 1 point 0 points
All references are from a relevant professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal, within a 5-year timeframe, or a classic/ historical source. The majority of references are from a relevant professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal, within a 5-year timeframe or a classic/historical source. Some references are from non-peer-reviewed scholarly sources or older than 5-years. Majority of references are from non-peer-reviewed scholarly sources or older than 5-years.
Earned Points
Up to 20% of the assigned points (total points of assignment) can be deducted from the earned points for errors in APA style [title page, introduction, purpose statement, level heading, conclusion, references, citations, and format], spelling, and/or grammar.

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