Identify and discuss the relative importance of the major influences on a tourist’s purchasing decision;

This is an individual essay where you will analyse an international tourism management issue of the choice of topic. In Arial 11 with 1.5 spacing. Please use harvard referencing. The assignment consists of two parts (around 1500 words for each part), in which you critically review one aspect of tourism management. You will need to read two given journal papers related to the chosen topic In addition to the given journal papers find other relevant articles (both academic and from the industry) to support your essay. A) Explain what you understand about the concepts and practices discussed in the two given papers; b) Compare the two papers, and offer your view on which article you find more persuasive, and why? c) Find other journal papers written surrounding the topic which support your views and explain how they do. d) Using the findings of your critical analysis ( section c above) , conclude this section with an analytical framework (key points that address your question) which will guide your discussion in part 2 below. Second part: a) Based on your understanding of the literature (from part one of the assignment), identify and justify a case study (one company’s/destination’s practices or your own experience) which is relevant to the topic and concepts discussed. B) Use the analytical framework you created in part one of the assignment to structure and discuss the significance/impacts of your findings in relation to the case study selected in a) above

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