Portfolio assessment


Formative Assessment (indicative):
Students will have the opportunity to present their ideas in class, in relation to their portfolio assessments. Summative Assessment Assessment will be based on a portfolio of material produced in support of the students I want to add all of the attachement details abput my personality the gallup thing explain it and say how did i work as group with my team members ill send a copy of the names and there personalities so we can compare between them understanding of Managing a luxury business exemplified by reference to more than one organisation in different market sectors.
Details of the portfolio (4,000 words equivalent) The portfolio will typically include: ?
Part 1; A detailed description and critical assessment of the management strategies of the organisation(s) being studied, through an examination of mission, goals, and actions ?
Part 2; A design for a strategic talent management dashboard that recognises the information sources potentially available and required ?
Part 3; A stakeholder management map for a luxury business together with commentary on how this would be utilised ?
Part 4; A personal reflection on the students own understanding of any one chosen aspect of luxury business management using self-researched, illustrative examples. (In addition to include details of how you worked / contributed to your various teams and dealing with conflict / resolutions and evidence of your skills competence where appropriate and…. o What one thing that you learned during the course of the working in teams / teambuilding will you share? o What was the most surprising thing you learned during the course of the teambuilding?)

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