Who said this is a Man War? Propaganda, advertising discourse


Write a 3-page well-constructed essay based on the given five articles which is attached in the given files document. Follow the instruction page which is also attached in the files document and follow the paper requirement.

Write a 3-page essay on five articles, first article- “Who said this is a Man War?” Propaganda, advertising discourse and the representation of war worker women during the Second World War, second article- Prescribing the Pill: Politics, Culture, and the Sexual Revolution in America’s Heartland, third article- Jane Addams, “Why Women Should Vote”, and fourth article- Franklin D. Roosevelt the “Arsenal of Democracy” and the last fifth article- Sexuality in Nineteenth-Century America: Behavior, Ideology, and Politics. Use and strictly refer just this five articles and discussing how changes in gender hierarchies and ideology, and in ideologies of gender, sexuality, and the family, have effected American politics and government policy since the end of World War II. Some themes that you might consider are: the sexual revolution, the women’s movement, the debate over abortion and reproductive rights, Gay liberation, marriage equality, the rise of neo-conservatism, etc. Give explanation, analyze it and show evidences from the given articles also relate explanation analysis with evidence. You only can use this articles, no using outside sources, just refer to this five articles for explanation analysis and evidence. Providing it is not an Internet source. Use of even one Internet-only source will result in a failing grade on this paper. The paper should be start each paragraph with the topic sentence. Thesis statement should be specific and in relation to the main theme of the whole essay Please include well-constructed thesis statement (main idea). Transition should be accurate and body paragraph should relate to each other. The body paragraph should fulfill all the requirements mention in the Instructions. I need entire body paragraphs that contain direct quotation in inverted commas from the text which is attached in the files documents and analyze and give evidence to support points/arguments. All quotes from the text(s) must be cited properly. Lastly well-constructed conclusion. Please strictly refer to the instruction page attached in the files to fulfill all the paper requirements. Do a close reading of these and only these documents which is the five articles.

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