Issues in Technology Integration (Evaluation)

Before using media and technology with any group of learners, you should evaluate it for its appropriateness to your audience and purpose, its overall effectiveness, and its use as a tool for learning. During this task, you will choose an evaluation tool. Using this evaluation tool, you will evaluate your choice of software or technology resource.

A. Describe your instructional setting, audience, and content area to provide a context for your work on this task. B. Choose a specific software or technology resource to evaluate. Search for published evaluation tools that would be appropriate for the type of software or technology resource you have chosen. 1. Discuss at least two possible evaluation options that you found. 2. Provide a blank copy of the evaluation tool you will use. 3. Discuss the rationale for your choice of evaluation tool. C. Use the tool to evaluate the software or technology resource of your choice. 1. Submit your completed evaluation tool. 2. Discuss your findings from the evaluation tool. 3. Make recommendations for use of the software or technology resource based on the findings.

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