

Write a 4-page assessment in which you compare the similarities and differences in the sampling, methodologies, and findings of selected research studies. Locate two scholarly articles. One article should be about a true experiment and the other about a quasi-experiment. Carefully review both articles for use in this assessment. Write a 4-page assessment comparing the similarities and differences of the following items in the research studies: • The research question (hypothesis), design, and findings. • The sample: What are the differences in sampling between the two different studies? • The methodology: How did the methodology (pre-experimental versus experimental) differ between the two studies? • The findings. Be sure to include details about the defining features of each study. What makes it either experimental or pre-experimental? In the case of the pre-experimental design, why was this design necessary? Additional Requirements • Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message. • APA formatting: Your assessment should be formatted according to APA (6th ed.) style and formatting. • Length: A typical response will be 4 typed and double-spaced pages of content • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

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