Self- Assessment of Health behavior

Use the Transtheoretical Theory The course project entails a written Self-assessment of a health behavior that you would like to decrease/quit (e.g., alcohol use) or increase (e.g., physical activity), as well as the application of one health behavior theory to your own process of behavior change. Please note that if you recently engaged in a health behavior change (e.g., quit smoking) you are welcome to discuss it retrospectively for this course project. For this project, you are expected to: (1) summarize your self-assessment (e.g., type of behavior, frequency, reasons to engage in the behavior or not, etc.); (2) relate the chosen behavior to a health behavior theory discussed in class (i.e., including a detailed application to each theoretical construct), and (3) provide a thoughtful reaction to your self-reflection process. Please structure your paper into the sections (I-III) indicated below and be sure to cover all areas indicated. Formatting: It is expected that papers will be typed, not handwritten. Papers must be between 4-5 pages in length, and doubled-spaced. Please use font Times New Roman, 12, margins of 1” (all around). Do not use a cover page. Include your PS ID#, date and class code on the first page. DO NOT INCLUDE YOUR NAME. Add page numbers. Additional references are not required; however, if you add any citations, the references should be in APA-style. I. Self-Assessment (10 points)** a. What is your chosen health behavior? Describe the behavior, including its dimensions (e.g., increase vs. decrease, episodic vs. gradual, etc.) b. What is your goal in relation to this behavior? Be specific. c. What is the baseline assessment of the behavior (i.e., starting point, self monitoring of biopsychosocial factors)? II. Integration with class materials (20 points) a. What is the health behavior theory to which you will apply your chosen health behavior? What are the main constructs of that theory? b. Explain how each construct from the theory apply to the health behavior (baseline). Be very specific to your situation/behavior. Do not define the constructs vaguely. c. Utilizing the constructs of the chosen health behavior theory and all the information provided (to the question above), design a brief intervention or describe the steps that may help you to succeed in making the health behavior change. d. Briefly describe any other information discussed in class that relates to your baseline behavior or your behavior change process. This could include another theory that also applies to your situation or any of the other readings. III. Reaction (15 points) a. Why did you chose that theory? b. Based on the exercise done for this project, do you believe that theories are an important tool to explain behavior and behavior change? Briefly explain. c. What were your thoughts and feelings while doing this project? d. What aspects from the project (e.g., your self-assessment and/or application of theory) were surprising, new or unexpected to you? e. What is next in your behavior change process and how the chosen theory informs that step? IV. Presentation (5 points) a. Is the paper free of spelling errors? b. Is the paper free of grammatical errors (e.g., half written sentences, missing words, incorrect agreement between noun and verb, inconsistent use of tense)? c. Is the paper in the requested formatting (including page limits)?

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