Child abuse

For your third major writing assignment, you will compose a 8-9 page research paper that attempts to persuade your reader of your viewpoint of an issue; the 8-9 pages do not include your works cited page.. You will use the topic and sources you selected for Writing Assignment II (Annotated Bibliography), inform readers of key aspects of the complex issue, and then persuade them of your beliefs about how the issue can be resolved through negotiation (compromise). You must provide quotes from credible sources in this persuasive essay. A minimum of ten sources are required for this project, a minimum of ten direct quotes should be cited in your essay. Please do not include more than twelve direct quotes total, and, if you choose to include a block quote, you are limited to two block quotes that is no more than six lines. Choose your quotes and sources wisely.

Throughout your research paper, you will present the problem that is being debated, directly quote credible sources that support your claims, persuade your reader/audience of how the problem can be solved by offering evidence and support for your claims. Please do not persuade your reader to support extreme options for the solving of the problem. Instead, create a compromise for the problem and persuade your reader to support your proposed compromise
Please compose this essay entirely in third person. Do not use personal pronouns. Do not use: I, we, us, our, you, your, yourself ourselves, myself, me, my, etc…

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