Wisconsin sex offender registration laws

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WISCONSIN As a perspective of a state legislator trying to pass a statute in regard to sex offender supervision, treatment and/or management. • A summary of the current registration and notification requirements are in that state (1~ 1.5 pages) • Whether that state has enacted or proposed Sexually Violent Predator (SVP) legislation to civilly commit sex offenders. If so, summarize the key points of the legislation; (1~1.5 pages) • What other legislation has been proposed or enacted in that state, including residency restrictions, GPS tracking, lifetime supervision, etc.; (2~2.5 pages) • How the policies apply to juvenile offenders; (1~1.5 pages) • A critique of the legislation, including the positive and negative aspects of the policies; (2~2.5 pages) • One modification of legislation in that state that would improve the current legislation. There must be an explanation of how the change in legislation would balance the rights of sex offenders and society. Additionally, there must be an explanation of any constitutional problems that may arise from such a change. You should take into consideration treatment, management and supervision of offenders. You can also take into consideration any legislation related to victims of sexual offenses

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