The Omnivore′s Neighborhood

Read ″The Omnivore′s Neighborhood? Online Restaurant Reviews, Race, and Gentrification.″ by Zukin, Lindeman, and Hurson. This article is available under the Readings tab on the left. Your task for this homework assignment is to write a brief research proposal to redo the study. In a replication reverse outline you are asked to do the following: Take an existing study (use the applicable theme reading) and fill in an outline for a proposal to do a replication study. Fill in the information with as much detail as you can based on the reading (the level of detail in the reading may vary, but look hard for the information). This can be in the form of lists or bullet points since the assignment is to do an outline. These can include your opinions in that you can improve on aspects of the previous study or you can have a different response to the literature cited. You can propose changes from the original design (such as location or sample) but you should note where you make changes. Use the format below, taken from the Patten workbook. Title (come up with your own title for the proposed research) Introduction – This is the first 1-2 paragraphs and should establish why the topic is interesting and important, define key terms, and introduce the research method used (surveys, content analysis, qualitative interviewing, etc.) Literature Review – What are the most important sources on this topic? Of course this will include the study you are replicating, but what are the sources it cites? What are the main past findings, debates or theories on this topic and how do they relate to the research being proposed? Include the purpose of the proposed study. Methods Participants – Who or what (such as in content analysis) is going to be studied? How are they going to be selected? How many? Instrumentation – How will the variables be measured? Procedures – How will the data collection be carried out? Are there any ethical issues, and if so how are they to be addressed? Analysis – How will the data answer your research question? Discussion – Limitations of this proposed research. Implications of the potential results.

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