Child Psychology

Define the following concepts and terms.
**One word and short sentence answers will not meet the requirement. Ensure you have fully developed the answer. All answers can be found in the textbook and also online. If you search online for answers make sure they apply directly to developmental psychology.**
1. Cognitive domain
2. Social domain
3. Physical domain
4. Genetic and Environmental Interplay (Nature versus Nurture)
5. Attachment
6. Secure attachment
7. Ambivalent attachment
8. Egocentrism (Early Childhood AND Adolescence)
9. Social Competence (4 factors in)
10. Imaginary Audience
11. Personal Fable
12. Invincibility Fable
13. Actual Self
14. Baumrind’s 4 parenting styles (all 4)
15. Social Perspective taking
16. Coping strategies (middle childhood and adolescence)
17. Resilience
Because some responses have more than one part there are a total of 26 responses.

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