“See Requirements”


Over the course of this semester, we have studied many societies that have contributed to the complex development of the region we call Mesoamerica. One of the themes that we see reoccurring is the emphasis on recording the names and exploits of individuals and deities. For this paper, your assignment is a two-part exploration: research and ethnography. The first part of the paper is the scholarly research portion which will draw upon literature sources such as our course texts, peer-reviewed journal articles, books, edited volumes, etc. For this portion of the paper, your research should address how names and naming played an important role in our understanding of Mesoamerican history. This can be done in a variety of ways. For example, you could discuss the hieroglyphics of the names of cities, deities, or people from various Mesoamerican sites; how names serve to enhance ancestral ties; or transformations between humans and deities. **you do not need to use 3 sources if your not able to. 2 sources will be fine**

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