Create a Research/Alternate Version Statement.

Create a Research/Alternate Version Statement.
750 words plus bibliography, submitted at Me end of your screenplay (in the same document) In this statement you MI answer the question what if the content ot the screenplay I have wrffen was converted to another iomV Fiction to docurneManr, docurneManr to fiction, hybrid to fiction or documeManr (not both) You rnay a. choose. convert a sort.. a game or game to film (eg fiction film to fiction game) The purpose oi this statement is. reveal the depth of your ressarch, your understanding of your own thmes, characters and stories, and your capacity to apply research creatvely It is also. give you a chance. play wth your idea in another burn!
It should include statements on:
• – Theme • – Character • – Place and circumstances • – Changes over firne • – Images and metaphors In ea. ca. answer the questions • – What (or who in the case or characters) are they? How would they appear in your a.m. version? • – YVhat is significant about them in the curreM version (importaM to you, the thing you would Mnve to keep, ti possible) How would you include rt in the altemate version? • – YVhat rssearch did you do in to them? How would that research inform an Assn., converted version? Finish with a title and two-sentence outline ssmmansing your a.m. idea in an engaging way.

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