web development


For this assignment produce a written report and a web application (web-enabled database management system). The information you will need to include in your report is broken down into tasks indicated below.

Task 1 – (1.1, 1.2, 1.3)
Critically evaluate the functions and advantages of web applications. Your report should include a comparison of different client-side and server side scripting languages and where and when these are applicable to use. You should also make recommendations on web security issues and how these can be overcome.

Task 2 – (2.1, 2.2, 2.3)
Design a web application to meet a given requirement; your web application needs to include a database and client-side and server-side functionality. Produce documentation on what your web application is going to be, which should include:
• A mood board, story board of your web application
• An identification of needs (User requirements)
• Client-side and server-side functionality
• Database design for use in your web application, which should show the tables used, the fields within the tables and any relationships with these

Task 3 – (3.1, 3.2)
Implement a fully working solution. Create your web application, which should connect to a database server, retrieve, store, manipulate and display the data within your web application. This should be demonstrated to your tutor.

Task 4 – (4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4)
Critically review and test your web application. Document evidence of testing with test data. Your testing should include browser compatibility testing, platform testing, script-language testing, valid HTML testing and functional testing. Your testing should also show evidence of testing when servers are down such as the database server and/or the web server you are using to run server scripts and database connections.
Demonstrate your web application to your colleagues and evidence feedback from them to help you reflect on your web application and make recommendations for improvements.
Create user documentation for your developed web application. This should show how your web application can be used.

In addition the report should contain a contents page, introduction, conclusion and a bibliography of your sources.

Your report must be in an acceptable business style; word processed, and must conform to conventional standards with regard to spelling and grammar.

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