Chloride attack on steel in concrete (reinforced concrete)


Chloride attack on reinforced concrete Please meet these requirements throughout the dissertation: 1. understanding of what chloride attack is, how it occurs, and why (with relevant formula when necessary). Also discuss the effect of chloride attack and why it is important. 2. what are the most aggressive environments? and what makes them aggressive? (what are the factors that make it easier for a chloride attack, and what makes the attack even stronger) (try to include the factors that influence the chloride attack too) 3. Is it only seawater that contributes to the aggressive environment? how far does seawater have to be? 4. Data in experiments to show what we are saying. The data has to be from atleast 3 credible sources to ensure success. 5. Discussion of data and and analysing it to reveal something (based on the data selected) 6. Discuss the durability of portland cement in specific, if it helps or doesnt help in resisting the chloride attack, and how can it help. 7. Discuss how to make concrete better, and what makes it worse in resisting these attacks. (what are the factors) 8. Also talk about if there is anything to do to salvage the reinforced concrete after it is effected by chloride attack, can it recover? how can it recover? will it be the same? or will it never be 100% like before?

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