The module is Leaderships in context the


3500 word written assignment. (Assesses outcomes 1,2,3,4,5)
A critical analysis and review of leadership strategies, theory & styles, the facilitators and barriers to quality improvement in organisations

Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this module participants will through the critical application of theory to practice & develop the knowledge necessary to:

• Critically examine the role of leadership, the individuals, the organisation and wider context in shaping quality improvement
• Analyse & critically discuss the contribution of an array of disciplines to the theory and practice of leading & delivering quality improvements
• Explore & critically review the management of change and the facilitation of improvements
• Through the application of theoretical underpinnings demonstrate the practical skills necessary to manage the engagement of a multidisciplinary team in the improvement of health and social care. Critically discuss issues involved in leading & managing risk, improvement and innovation
• Review and critically evaluate techniques & tools employed in the process of improving quality in health and social care.

Brief description of the module:
This module aims to develop the skills and knowledge required by health and social care professionals to respond to the challenges of strategic leadership, implementing leadership for improvement and lead innovation. The cultural change required to place patients and clients at the centre of adaptive systems which provide a safe environment for the delivery of care and value and recognise the contributions of all participants as they are encouraged to grow, develop and fulfil their potential. This module also explores what leadership for improvements is, the difference between leading, managing and change, explores the processes involves in learning and facilitating the implementation of innovation in health and social care. Drawing on a range of theory and evidence, the module also examines the role of the organisation and the wider context in shaping how improvement and innovation is, or can be facilitated.
This Module is part of (but not exclusive to) the MSc in Leading Quality Improvement which provides students with a rigorous framework for the development and synthesis of empirical, professional and organisational knowledge and skills as the basis for improving the quality of healthcare. The programme adopts a broad perspective on healthcare quality encompassing three themes:
• Effectiveness (e.g. the use of evidence)
• Efficiency (e.g. service reliability);
• Acceptability (e.g. the service user experience).
Attention is paid to the full range of components of improving quality, including public policy and organisational strategy; governance and risk management; leadership; professional behavior change; and service user involvement.
Indicative Content:
The module will provide students with the opportunity to critically evaluate the organisation and wider contexts for leading improvements and improving quality in health and social care context from different theoretical and methodological perspectives. The module content also provides students with the opportunity to identify, apply and critically evaluate strategies and interventions to support leading improvements in the quality of health and social care. Through the use of action learning, students will be encouraged to reflect and learn from their own leadership challenges and facilitation skills employed in their professional work.

The key themes the module content will include are:

• The use of theory and research from different professional fields and disciplines in the leading, designing and facilitating improvements in health and social care settings.
• Examine evidence and evaluate leadership and management concepts and practice.
• Explore & evaluate the role of culture, value and beliefs in organisations including their role in leading, securing change & improvement.
• Examine the multiple perspectives in leading, assessing and evaluating quality improvement and change, including how quality and risk are assessed and improvement measured.
• Identify organisational characteristics and factors influential to addressing the issues of risk and quality.
• Examine the strategic environment including the role of regulation, legislation and policy.

The module aims to develop the leadership skills necessary to engender at an individual, team and organisational level the cultural change necessary for the successful leadership/implementation of innovation and/or other strategic leadership approaches to quality management. The content is organised around 3 key themes: you (the individual); the team; and organisation.

1.The individual, and you as a leader:
– What is this all about?
– What makes a leader?
– What is theory?

2. The team:
– Creating and leading teams
– Delivering change through teams
– The “C” word (Culture)
– Health and care managers don’t cry – thinking about emotional intelligence
– Problem solving

3. The organisation:
– Leadership within the context of the organisations
– How might organisational theory help us?
– Quality in policy
– Developing innovation
– Change management within the organisation

Your work should be presented in the following order:-

1. Title or cover page, containing:
 Assignment title
 Word processed (Arial, font size 12)
 Printed on one side of A4 paper, with 1.5” margen on the left side and 1” on the right
 1.5 spacing

To achieve Grade A the assessment must:
• Demonstrate comprehensive knowledge and detailed understanding of the leadership key drivers, the strategies/theories, styles, concepts and approaches relating to leadership, quality improvements, innovation and change within the identified settings
• Demonstrate comprehensive knowledge and ability to critically interpret and synthesise literature, research and practices, the facilitators and barriers to quality improvements in organisations, organisational culture, the management of engagement, influencing, negotiating and team working and the risk.
• Demonstrate extensive background study in relation to the module learning outcomes being assessed. Evaluated the leadership strategies employed in the process of improving quality in Health and social care.
• Contain very logically presented and defended arguments with significant elements of original interpretation.
• Demonstrate an ability to identify, develop and present new links between topics.
• Include new approaches to analysing and/or explaining a problem.
• Be very well structured, highly focussed and free of factual/computational errors.
• Be presented to a very high standard with very accurate communication. Have effective and accurate referencing both in and at the end of the text

To achieve Grade B the assessment must:
• Demonstrate strong knowledge and detailed understanding of the leadership key drivers, the strategies/theories, styles, concepts and approaches relating to leadership, quality improvements, innovation and change within the identified settings
• Demonstrate strong knowledge and ability to critically interpret and synthesise literature, research and practices, the facilitators and barriers to quality improvements in organisations, organisational culture, the management of engagement, influencing, negotiating and team working and the risk.
• Demonstrate strong evidence of background study in relation to the module learning outcomes being assessed. Evaluated the leadership strategies employed in the process of improving quality in Health and social care.
• Contain logically presented and defended arguments with some elements of original interpretation.
• Describe well known links between topics.
• Analyse and/or explain problems using existing methods/approaches
• Be well structured, highly focussed and mostly free of factual/computational errors.
• Be presented to high standards with accurate communication. Have effective and mostly accurate referencing both in at the end of the text

Refrences List please use theme
The majority of these recommended items are in Deiniol (Bangor) and Wrexham libraries. Some books and journals are also available electronically. NB Remember to keep up-to-date with newly published resources such as policy and research.
Core texts:
Barr, J., and Dowding, L. (2012) Leadership in health care. (2nd ed.). Los Angeles: Sage.

Martin, V. (2002) Managing projects in health and social care. London: Routledge

Northouse, P. G. (2016) Theory and practice of leadership. (7th ed.). London: Sage Publications

Walshe, K. and Smith, J. (2011) Healthcare Management. Maidenhead : McGraw-Hill Education.

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