Brimingham WYW spss resit


school: univerisity of Birmingham words: 750 due date: 15/06 I will upload the previous work in additional file tutor feed back: Why have you looked at frequency of gender, frequency of each type of exercise? Why have you done a regression when I said use one of the tests we covered in the lectures and workshops? Why are you trying to use mins on cardio, weights and other to predict age? The interpretation is not correct. Tables should have unnecessary information removed and should be given full, clear titles. resit it

Research Methods 2017 – 18
SPSS Assignment
The dataset is adapted from the following reference:
Bryman, A. and Bell E., (2011), Chapter 14 Quantitative Data Analysis, Business Research Methods, Third Edition, Oxford, Oxford University Press,pp.333-358
The SPSS data file named gym[1] is available on Canvas.
The data is based upon a piece of imaginary research conducted by an MSc Marketing Student. The student in question is interested in people’s reasons for joining leisure clubs and gyms and the ways in which they use such venues.

The student secures the cooperation of a gym which allowed her to contact a sample of its members by post. The gym has 1,200 members and she decided to take a simple random sample of 10% of the membership that is 120 members. She sent out postal questionnaires to the sample members along with a covering letter testifying to the gym’s support of the research. One thing she wanted to know is how much time people spend on each of the three main classes of activity in the gym: cardiovascular equipment, weights equipment and exercises. She defined each of these carefully in the covering letter and asked members of the sample to keep a note of how long they spent on each of these three activities on their next visit. They were then requested to return the questionnaires in the prepaid reply envelope. The student received ninety questionnaires – a response rate of 75%.

1) Does the time spent on cardiovascular, weights and other types of exercises vary significantly with age?

• The purpose of the data analysis is to resolve the research question outlined. It is redundant to perform analyses which are unrelated to the questions.

• Explain clearly what statistical method is used, clearly outline the process undertaken in SPSS.

• Clearly present the results of your analyses – it should include the appropriate figures.

• Clear, full interpretation of the results should be presented in the report.

• Show your understanding of the statistical concepts in the assignment.

The questionnaire is presented below.
1. Are you male or female (Please tick)?
 Male (1)
 Female(2)

2. How old are you?
3. Which of the following best describes your main reason for going to the gym? (Please tick one only)
a. Relaxation 1-
b. Maintain or improve fitness 2-
c. Lose weight 3-
d. Meet others 4-
e. Build strength 5-
f. Other (Please specify)
4. When you go to the gym, how often do you use the cardiovascular equipment (jogger, step machine, bike, rower)? (Please tick).
a. Always 1-
b. Usually 2-
c. Rarely 3-
d. Never 4-

5. When you go to the gym, how often do you use the weight machines (including free weights) (Please tick)

a. Always 1-
b. Usually 2-
c. Rarely 3-
d. Never 4-

6. How frequently do you usually go to the gym? (please tick).

a. Every day 1
b. 4-6 days a week 2
c. 2 or 3 days aweek 3
d. Once a week 4
e.2 or 3 times a month 5
f. Once a month 6
g. Less than once a month 7

7. Are you usually accompanied to the gym or do you usually go on your own? (please tick one only)

a. On ,my own 1
b. With a friend 2
c. With a partner 3

8 Do you have sources of regular exercise other than the gym?

Yes 1
No 2
If you have answered No to this question, please proceed to question 10.

9. If you have replied Yes to question 8, please indicate the main source of regular exercise in the last 6 months from this list (Please tick one only).
a. Sport 1
b. Cycling on the road 2
c. Jogging 3
d. Long walks 4
e. Other (Please specify) 5

10. During your last visit to the gym, how many minutes did you spend on the cardiovascular equipment (jogger, step machine, bike, rower)?


11. During your last visit to the gym, how many minutes did you spend on the weights machines (including free weights)?


11. During your last visit to the gym, how many minutes did you spend on other activities (e.g. stretching exercises)?


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