Teaching and Learning Sequence


Assignment 2: Teaching and learning sequence

Course: EHM 1200 Weighting: 50% Assessment title 2: Teaching and learning sequence

Pre-service teachers will understand how to use a picture storybook to initiate mathematical teaching and learning activities.

TIP: My biggest tip is to make sure you are using the Language Model to base your activities, as well as the teaching process

This assessment will require you to use a picture storybook to teach one of the areas of mathematics that have been presented in this course (pre-number, early counting/place value, early operations, constructing ideas of space and shape, early data, understanding measurement).

Task Outline:
This assessment will have 4 distinct components:
A brief overview of the picture storybook (including the title and author of the book), and an explanation as to why the book is an effective tool for teaching the chosen area of mathematics. Your explanation should include links to the research literature. Examples from the picture storybook should be used to illustrate the key points you are trying to make in your explanation.
An introduction – In this introduction you should provide details about:
• The year level you are focusing on
• The curriculum focus of your lesson (the specific learning outcomes of your lesson).
• The pedagogical approaches drawn upon in your activities, including a justification as to why these approaches have been chosen.
A sequence of 4 short activities that draw on, or are planned around, the picture storybook. This sequence of activities should aim at developing/scaffolding children’s understanding of a particular concept of mathematics. The activities should be sequential, and each activity should build on the previous. These 4 activities should be presented as one lesson plan.
Prepare a digital technology presentation (IWB, PPT, Prezi etc.) to support your series of activities planned in point 3. The presentation could include series of picture from the story books supported with audio or video.

Task Requirements:
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Step 1: Overview of storybook

• Choose an area of maths that you will focus on. Eg. Prep – Number
• Pick a content descriptor. Eg. Compare, order and make correspondences between collections, initially to 20, and explain reasoning (ACMNA289) Elaboration: understanding and using terms such as ‘first’ and ‘second’ to indicate ordinal position in a sequence
• Find a storybook that directly relates to the content descriptor.
• Name the book and include the full reference at the beginning, so it is the title of the Assignment.
Eg Allen, P. (2007). Who sank the boat?. New York: William Collins
• Explain why the book is an effective tool for teaching the chosen area of mathematics. Your explanation should include content we have covered in lectures and tutorials as well as links to the research literature.
• Examples from the picture storybook should be used to illustrate the key points you are trying to make in your explanation.
• The following sources may be useful for finding picture books for mathematics concepts.
Childrens’ mathematics picture books | Christchurch City Libraries

Criteria Excellent (HD) Very Good (A) Good (B) Satisfactory (P) Emergent (F)

Part A: Justification of Storybook Accurately elaborates how storybook links to the Australian Curriculum for mathematics component. A brief overview of the picture storybook (including the title, author and publisher of the book) is provided.

Relevant links are made to the storybook, literature and course materials to justify the use of the book for mathematics.
Explains how storybook links to the Australian Curriculum for mathematics component. A brief overview of the picture storybook (including the title, author and publisher of the book) is provided.

Links are made to literature ad course materials to justify the use of the book for mathematics. Describes how storybook links to the Australian Curriculum for mathematics component. A brief overview of the picture storybook (including the title, author and publisher of the book) is provided.

Relevant links are made to course materials to justify the use of the book for mathematics.

Identifies a storybook that links to the Australian Curriculum for mathematics component. A brief overview of the picture storybook (including the title, author and publisher of the book) is provided.

Links are made to course materials to justify the use of the book for mathematics.

Overview of the picture storybook is not included or not relevant.

An explanation as to why the book is an effective tool for teaching the chosen area of mathematics is not included or not relevant.

Links are made to course materials to justify the use of the book for mathematics are not included or not relevant.

Step 2. Introduction

• Use academic writing for an introduction to the context you are working in.
• Include the year level you are focusing on.
• Include the curriculum focus of the lesson. This is more specific than just the content descriptor.
Some content descriptors have multiple outcomes eg. ‘Compare, order and make correspondences between collections, initially to 20, and explain reasoning (ACMNA289 – Scootle ).
Use the elaborations in the content descriptors to narrow your focus. Eg elaboration: understanding and using terms such as ‘first’ and ‘second’ to indicate ordinal position in a sequence.
• You can write this as a WALT statement (What I am learning today) or a smart goal.
Students will use ordinal numbers up to 10 to order characters from the story.
• Decide what pedagogical approaches you will drawn upon in your activities.
• Justify these approaches in relation to course materials and current literature.

Criteria Excellent (HD) Very Good (A) Good (B) Satisfactory (P) Emergent (F)
Part B: Teaching & Learning introduction Accurately elaborates how curriculum content descriptor, strand, and sub-strand is relevant to storybook.

A pedagogical approach to creating activities is used and tied in with the storybook, course materials and other relevant literature are used to justify use of pedagogical approach.
The teaching and learning introduction outlines the targeted year level. Explains how curriculum content descriptor, strand, and sub-strand is relevant to storybook.

A pedagogical approach to creating activities is used. Course materials and other relevant literature are used to justify use of pedagogical approach.
The teaching and learning introduction outlines the targeted year level.
Describes how curriculum content descriptor, strand, and sub-strand is relevant to storybook.

A pedagogical approach to creating activities is used. Course materials are used to justify use of pedagogical approach. The teaching and learning introduction outlines the targeted year level.
Identifies curriculum content descriptor, strand, and sub-strand relevant to storybook.

A pedagogical approach to creating activities is used. The teaching and learning introduction outlines the targeted year level.
The teaching and learning introduction does not outline a suitable year level.
Identified curriculum content descriptor, strand, and sub-strand relevant to storybook are not relevant or not included
A pedagogical approach to creating activities is not relevant or not included.

Step 3: Activities

TIP: Activities must match the content descriptor chosen
• Create 4 short activities that draw on, or are planned around, the picture storybook.
• The activities should be sequential and each activity should build on the previous. The activities should develop/scaffold children’s understanding of the chosen concept of mathematics. These 4 activities should be presented as one lesson plan. It is expected that the four short activities would be done in one lesson.
• The pedagogical approach will be up to you, but you will need to justify it in Step 2. For example. Are the children going to be learning through play-based activities? Investigations? Are they teacher directed? Are they digital? Using hands-on manipulatives? What language are you trying to develop? What questions are you asking?
• Given the activities must be sequential; rotations would not suit this assignment.

Criteria Excellent (HD) Very Good (A) Good (B) Satisfactory (P) Emergent (F)
Part C: Lesson sequence Prepares four relevant short activities around the picture storybook. This sequence of activities scaffolded children’s understanding in the chosen curriculum strand. The lessons are sequential and built on the knowledge gained from the previous activity.
The activities are relevant to the child’s age and context. Prepares four short activities around the picture storybook. The activities are related to the chosen curriculum strand. The lessons are sequential and built on the knowledge gained from the previous activity and suitable for the year level chosen.

Outlines four short activities around the picture storybook. The activities are related to the chosen curriculum strand. The lessons are sequential and built on the knowledge gained from the previous activity.
Lists four short activities around the picture storybook. The activities are related to the chosen curriculum strand. This sequence of activities scaffolded children’s understanding in the chosen curriculum strand.

A summary of the mathematical strengths of the child/children observed is not included or not relevant.

Inclusion of recommendations about the pedagogical practices is not included or not relevant.

Step 4: Digital presentation

Choose a digital technology presentation platform that you can use to support your activities
You can use an Interactive Whiteboard display, Powerpoint, Prezi.
If you have another platform, please check with the course examiner to ensure our markers can access.
The theory part of your assignment should be included on the first few pages of your presentation.
For example, using a PowerPoint presentation (this is an example only)
Page 1: Title (step 1)
Page 2: introduction (step 2)
Page 3: The story (step 4)
Include a series of pictures representing the storybook, supported with audio or video. Ie you could use photos from the book (please check educational copyright on your book) with your voice over, characters acting it out, or a video reading the story. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsYb1YSYR34
Page 4 onwards (step 3): The actual activities may be hands-on but could be displayed on the presentation, or could be digital, accessed from your presentation or a mixture of hands-on and digital. Include a description of the materials required and method for the activity. You may like to include your activities on the sheets we have been using in class.
Final page – references.
Criteria Excellent (HD) Very Good (A) Good (B) Satisfactory (P) Emergent (F)
Part D: Support the identified mathematical ideas in digital technology presentation.
The digital technology presentation elaborates the mathematical concept involved in the picture storybook with accurate examples to enhance children’s understanding.

The digital technology presentation is supported with series of picture from the picture storybook including audio or video The digital technology presentation explains the mathematical concept involved in the picture storybook with examples that illustrate and enhance the description.

The digital technology presentation is supported with series of picture from the picture storybook including audio or video The digital technology presentation describes the mathematical concept involved in the picture storybook and how the mathematical concept might be integrated within the chosen learning area.

The digital technology presentation is supported with series of picture from the picture storybook
The digital technology presentation identifies mathematical concept involved the picture storybook and how the mathematical concept might be integrated within the chosen learning area.

The digital technology presentation is supported with series of picture from the picture storybook A digital technology presentation is not prepared or the mathematical concept involved the picture storybook is not included or relevant.

The digital technology presentation is not supported with series of picture from the picture storybook


Step 5: Final proofing

• Make sure you have all sources correctly referenced using APA format. If unsure, refer to the USQ APA Referencing guide
• Make this easier for yourself by collecting this as you do your research. Make notes of the author, title etc.
• FYI Study and Research has excellent resources to help you.
• You may consider using EndNote.
• Use Turnitin to check originality of your work.
• As a teacher, you are expected to model best practise, so take the time to make sure your final presentation, particularly any written content, is proofed, referenced and spellchecked.

Criteria Excellent (HD) Very Good (A) Good (B) Satisfactory (P) Emergent (F)

Part E: Communication Very accurate referencing in APA format.

Academic writing, including spelling, grammar and punctuation is clear and concise. Accurate referencing APA format, contained fewer than five errors.

Academic writing including spelling, grammar and punctuation contained fewer than five errors. Referencing APA format, contained fewer than ten errors.

Academic writing including spelling, grammar and punctuation contained fewer than ten errors.

Mostly accurate APA referencing. Some minor errors in referencing.

Academic writing including spelling, grammar and punctuation contained some minor errors.
Major errors in APA referencing.

APA referencing not used.

Academic writing including spelling, grammar and punctuation contained many errors.

Learning objectives addressed in this assessment:
On successful completion of this assessment, pre-service teachers will be able to:
1. Draw on current mathematics theory and policy documents, including EYLF and Australian Curriculum: Mathematics, to support their pedagogical choices. APST 1.2, 2.2, 3.3
2. Critically analyse the appropriateness of different resources and tools for the effective teaching of mathematics. APST, 2.2, 3.4
3. Plan effectively for mathematics teaching and learning in the early years of school. APST 2.1, 2.3, 2.5

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