Service marketing analysis of Singapore airlines


Consider the role of branding & targeting within this multi brand strategy. What are some of the issues faced by the group? Based on your analysis, what would be your recommendations on branding & targeting?
What are the differences & implications derived from analysing the Service Blueprint for both Singapore Airlines & Scoot.

You have to answer 2 questions related to Singapore airlines from a service marketing point of view as per the checklist provided by the professor for each question. Kindly follow the checklist as the marks will be allocated based on the completion of the checklist. The assignment also required perceptual maps and service blueprints to be made. I have already made those so i will attach them. You just have to explain them with references. I will also attach the case study the professor has provided us with on Singapore airlines, you can refer to that as well. — I want the assignment to be 3 pages excluding the Service blueprint and the Perceptual maps because i am providing those. Please meet the word count of 825 words with the mentioned number of references. However, if you think any changes need to be made with the Service blueprint and the Perceptual maps, feel free to go ahead and make those changes. Also, i am expecting a draft by Friday to ensure we are on the right track.

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