Analyzing management and organizational challenges

The readings supporting week’s 1 and 2 expand your understanding organizational principles and develop your critical thinking views of management theory.

Paper Instructions

Title: Analyzing management and organizational challenges The readings supporting week’s 1 and 2 expand your understanding organizational principles and develop your critical thinking views of management theory. The various management thought domains include the scientific, classical, behavioral, and management science schools of management theory. 1. Write a 4-5 pages essay (1000-1250 words) on three major trends that will affect the practice of management for your unique field of study Financial Management from the present though 2040. Draw from at least three theories that relate to your field of study in your discussion of the concepts that managers should consider essential for these organizational trends. 2. Identify these organizational trends that challenge management and extend the discussion to include managing people, processes, projects, and programs. 3. Describe the process that you used to arrive at the trends and how you might verify the accuracy in selecting these trends. Include your critical thinking process as you explain the relationship between theory, the trends, and how it relates to your field of study of Financial Management. 4. Explain any changes in the way that you think or view the discipline of management as a direct result of your research and readings. Include at least three potential recommendations that supports how your field of study should address each and support the trends in terms of management theory. 5. Your research should include information from relevant scholarly sources, professional journals, and peer-referred publications. You should consult and cite a minimum of five references, three of which should be articles from academic journals not assigned in class (i.e., not your course readings). Two excellent sources of articles are ABI/Inform and Business Source Complete. Assignment/Project Criterion: The following criteria will be used for the essay Assignment a. Paper is a 4 to 5-page WORD document (does not exceed 1000-1250 words) b. Introduction c. Major trends (3) related to financial management d. Management theories (3) related to finacial management and organizational trends e. Recommendations (3) supportive of financial management f. Summary and conclusion G. Abstract

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