Reflective report

– social work Year 4 core subject – Leading and Managing in Human Service Organisations

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In fact this is a reflective report of my 4 mins role play video and no extension is allowed. I am year 4 students and asian identity. Make the language appropriate and consistent. Dont make the language too complicated or very rubbish. A 2700 word reflective report Submit a written analysis of, and reflection on, your role play. The report should demonstrate knowledge of course content and must be supported by the academic literature. It should include a reflection on your development as a professional, particularly in relation to relevant social work principles and values. A minimum of 8 references is required. Please use the following conventions: – Harvard referencing – Font size no smaller than 12 point – 1.5 line spacing – Pages numbered – Name in header or footer Therefore i attached my 4 mins role play video transcript that is my performance file and a file of case study that is the background of this 4 mins role play video. You dont need to discuss this case study and just focus on my 4 mins role play transcript (performance) to do this reflective report. I have already attached a file of negotiation self- assessment that must be read and you can get the point and develop the point on this reflective report after you read my 4 mins role play performance. As well, E-readings might be useful when u develop the work. In addition, you have to login in my account that cover the learning of the course and you have to download the topic 1-4 powerpoint. Therefore i have attached another file that my login details are shown called file 1. In addition, In order to reinforce your understanding of the course, you need to understand the course. In this course you will develop advanced skills and knowledge in negotiating to achieve professional outcomes, inter-professional social work, working collegially in culturally diverse contexts, staff and volunteer management, managing adverse events, project management, grant and tender writing, macro level lobbying and advocacy, communications planning and using the media. With most of your other courses there is a single overarching theme, with each lecture designed to contribute to the main topic of interest. This course is different. It offers an eclectic mix of topics in select areas of social work practice, each of which is complete in its own right. Social work is a highly diverse and demanding profession which often requires practitioners to fill a range of roles in any given week – negotiator, project manager, policy adviser, grant writer, lobbyist and more. Each of the topics covered in this course addresses knowledge and skills sets that you will need at some


Negotiation skills 20% HD
(65-100) D
(75-84) C
(65-74) P1
(55-64) P2
(50-54) F1
(40-49) F2
As per D and the negotiation is exceptionally well argued and constructed.

As per C and the negotiation is very well planned and prepared. Bargaining skills and the ability to respond appropriately to objections are demonstrated.

As per P1 and planning and preparation is evident. Understanding and respect for different values and perspectives demonstrated. Problem solving skills are demonstrat
Demonstration of communication skills in the context of negotiation. Key issues are identified. Appropriate introduction and summary. Arguments are presented and justified in a clear, focused and logical manner.

Some demonstration of communication skills. Some key issues are identified. The negotiation is structured and clear in parts.

Limited demonstration of communication skills. Few key issues are identified. The negotiation is poorly structured and lacks clarity.

Little or no demonstration of communication skills. Key issues are not identified. The negotiation is not structured or clear.

Integrating theory and practice 20

As per D and evidence of originality and independence in applying theory. Demonstrates highly professional and ethical action.

As per C and demonstrates creativity in applying theory. Demonstrates professional and ethical action
As per P1 and demonstrates understanding of professional and ethical issues

Evidence of capacity to apply theory to practice.

Some awareness of professional and ethical issues is indicated.

Limited awareness and understanding of professional and ethical issues is indicated

Lack of awareness of professional and ethical issues is indicated


Analysis 20% As per D and the report is comprehensive, detailed and critical.

As per C and theoretical concepts are integrated and across-course learning is demonstrated. As per P1 and the role play is analysed using relevant theory.

Appropriate analysis of the role play.

Some analysis of the role play.

Limited analysis of the role play.

Limited or no analysis of the role play.

Critical reflection 20%

As per D and reflection considers power relations and context.

As per C and reflection is related to social work principles and values.

As per P1 and reflection on the development of professional self is included. Strengths and areas for improvement are discussed. Awareness of professional issues is demonstrated. Some discussion of strengths and areas for improvement.

Limited discussion of strengths and areas for improvement.

Strengths and areas for improvement are not discussed.
Reading, supporting ideas and referencing 10%

As per D and references are used to develop highly sophisticated arguments. Accurate and consistent referencing

As per C and references are used to develop sophisticated arguments. Only minor inaccuracies in referencing. As per P1 and extensive reading and research have been undertaken. References are used to develop analytical arguments. Consistent referencing. Essential reading and research have been undertaken. References support ideas. Mostly consistent referencing. Appropriate use of Harvard conventions. Some of the essential reading has been undertaken. Inconsistent referencing.

Little demonstration that essential reading has been undertaken. Limited referencing.

Little or no demonstration that essential reading has been undertaken. No referencing.

Structure, meaning, grammar and language 10%

As per D and the report is exceptionally well argued and constructed

As per C and the report is very well written and organised. Sentences demonstrate the progression of an argument or case

As per P1 and the report is well written and organised. Sentences demonstrate the progression of an argument or case.

The report is clear, concise and utilises academic writing conventions. Very few grammatical, spelling and/or punctuation errors. Appropriate, inclusive and respectful expression

The report is structured and clear in parts. Some grammatical, spelling and/or punctuation errors. Mostly inclusive and respectful expression
The report is poorly structured and difficult to understand. Several grammatical, spelling and/or punctuation errors. Many instances of exclusive and non-respectful expression.

The report is not structured or understandable. Numerous grammatical, spelling and/or punctuation errors. Inappropriate, exclusive and non-respectful expression.

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