How Social Meida affect children


English 1 Research Paper Assignment
Write a research paper that investigates how digital technologies (i.e., the Internet, social networks, smart
phones, apps, etc.) are influencing one part of contemporary society. The paper should critically and
thoughtfully argue how digital technologies are affecting one specific topic. Through substantial research,
the paper should offer an academic argument that goes beyond confirming your personal experience or
restating obvious ideas.
The paper might investigate how digital technologies are influencing:
The way we read or what we read
The way we write or what we write
The way we share or collaborate
The way we think or the structure of the neurons in our brain
How political change (local, national, or international) is brought about
How the news profession operates
The transformation of one of the media (film, music, book, etc.) industries
The way businesses operate
The way we celebrate, grieve, and/or emotionally express ourselves
The way we meet, develop intimacy, and form relationships
The culture/habits of specific age groups or specific ethnic, racial, gender, minority, or religious groups
The development or raising of children
The relationships of family members
Privacy or ideas about privacy
The education of college students
___The paper must be 7-10 pages in length. This requirement does not include the Works Cited page.
___Correctly use the MLA format for all in-text citations.
___Provide a separate Works Cited page that conforms to the MLA guidelines.
___Use at least seven documented sources that are well chosen.
___At least two of your source must be scholarly journal articles.
Your grade will be determined by the strength of your argument, the credibility of your research, and the
quality of your writing. The argument needs to be organized and intelligent. It should offer genuinely
insightful claims about the topic. The research needs to be undertaken and presented in a way that strongly
enhances the credibility of your paper’s argument. The writing, including its strict adherence to the MLA
guidelines, needs to be clear and correct.
Research Proposal Guidelines:
Write a description of the specific topic you intend to investigate. Try to outline the issues and debates on
the topic that you need to look into. What are the kinds of questions that your research will attempt to
answer? The research proposal should be about 1/3 to 1⁄2 a page and also include a Works Cited with two
preliminary sources you have found.

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