Booster Club Fundraiser

Unit 1 Proposal
The Booster Club Fundraiser will compromise of players aged between twelve and eighteen years. It will be located in England, Arkansas. Its objective will be to enhance Football by nurturing talent and giving England kids an opportunity to showcase their talents.
Location and Potential Dates
The event will take place on 29th July 2018 at England, Arkansas.
Fundraising Goal
The event aims at raising at least $10,000 to start the Booster Club and fund its activities. The funds collected will help it purchase additional training items and other equipment. The funds will enable it to reach more children in the town and beyond thus promoting football in the region. The Booster Club will need to secure a stadium with a seating capacity of at least 500, where it will play its home matches.
The event also aims at attracting long-term and short-term donors to assist the Booster Club in achieving its long-term goals. It targets individuals, corporations, government agencies, non-governmental organizations, among other donors.
Direct Beneficiaries of the Fundraiser
The direct beneficiaries of the event will be the residents of England whose children are interested in playing football. The funds will fund the establishment of the Booster Club as well as its running expenses. Once established, the Booster Club will offer the children in England an opportunity to develop and nurture their football talent. It will also benefit the community since most residents cannot afford to take their children to well-established and expensive football academies. The proposed admission into the U18 league will help the players showcase their skills to the Central Arkansas area. It will give them an opportunity for recruitment by well-established football teams in the area. It will place them at a strategic position to exploit the opportunities arising from the continued growth and opportunity toward college recruitment. A small community that hasn’t had many college recruitment or professional athletes, hopefully this event will bring out the kids that “thrive off intense competition, and the best players receive an unprecedented level of coaching and training.” (Time, 2017)
Background of the Event
Booster Club will operate as charity aimed at helping children whose parents could not afford football academies. The Booster Club will give the kids the opportunity to nurture their skills and develop their footballing careers. In the long-term, it will be converted into a fully-fledged football team just like other football franchises. Many residents now consider football as a viable career just like the other popular sports such as basketball and baseball. The Booster Club will offer the residents the much-needed services and promote football in England.
I chose this event because of its potential to become an annual investment. The team can grow into a great football team which will attract investors just like any other teams. The event also offers me a significant challenge and the opportunity to exploit my marketing skills. It is interesting because many people may not see the business value of football. Most investors would prefer teams with a potential to generate quick returns. It would be challenging to convince investors and other donors to support such an initiative.

Gregory, S. “How Kids’ Sports Became a $15 Billion Industry.” Time, 4 Sept.2017,

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