The Impact that Organizational and Personal Character Trait


The Impact that Organizational and Personal Character Traits have on a NonProfit Organization’s Intention Towards Entrepreneurial Activity

Research Question 1: Which of the following personal characteristics of nonprofit executives has an impact on the entrepreneurial intention of their NPOs: attitudes, norms, perceived behavioral control beliefs, and self-efficacy of the nonprofit executive?
H1a – The NPO executive’s attitude towards intrapreneurship will have a positive impact on the entrepreneurial intention of the organization.
H1b. The NPO executive’s subjective norms pertaining to intrapreneurship will have a negative impact on the entrepreneurial intention of the organization
H1c. The NPO executive’s perceived behavior control pertaining to intrapreneurship will have a positive impact on the entrepreneurial intention of the organization.
H1d. NPO executive’s self-efficacy will have a positive impact on the entrepreneurial intention of the organization.
The literature indicates additional variables that can have an impact on intentions. The variables include demographics such as age (Kautonen et al., 2010), gender (Wang & Wong,
2004) and family business (Van Auken, Fry, & Stephens, 2006). These variables will be accounted for in the research design.
Research Question 2:
Which of the following collective characteristics of a NPO has an impact on the entrepreneurial intention of that NPO: active board of directors, management/community support or collective efficacy of the nonprofit organization?
H2a. An active NPO board of directors will have a positive impact on the entrepreneurial intention of the organization.
H3b. Management/Community support of intrapreneurship within a NPO will have a positive impact on the entrepreneurial intention of the organization.
H3c. Collective efficacy of a NPO will have a positive impact on the entrepreneurial intention of the organization.
Importance of the Study
The importance of this study is to better assist NPOs to focus their limited training dollars in areas that will have the greatest impact. Making sure the organization is sustainable is currently a high priority for many NPOs. In my nonprofit outreach work as well as my nonprofit training work, I have repeatedly seen the lack of intrapreneurial skills necessary for an organization to thrive. This research aims to create a foundation for a training program to help NPOs become sustainable long-term. It will also help start-up NPOs avoid some of the traditional pitfalls.
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