Business Manager – Effective Communication

You are the CEO of a small pharmaceutical distributor. Your company has been awarded the exclusive contract to distribute a new drug. Araba, the company who developed and will manufacture the product, does not have distribution capability. The new drug is called Complexia. It has been approved to treat breast cancer and will compete directly with Tamoxifen, a highly used treatment in cases where breast cancer is hormonally-driven. This is not chemotherapy; Complexia is a drug used to prevent recurrence of disease during and after treatment. Your company, through your sales and customer service representatives, already has extensive relationships with oncology providers. There is also great anticipation within the market about the potential efficacy of this new treatment. Studies indicate breast cancer recurs in 11% of patients within five years and in 20% of patients within 10 years (American Cancer Society, 2008). Initial clinical trials indicate this new drug may help to lower recurrence rates; however, clinical trials only demonstrate a new drug’s efficacy in a small group of patients over a limited amount of time. Long-term product efficacy rates have not been established for this product yet. As with all new drug launches, your company anticipates this unknown factor could result in some patient dissatisfaction if desired results are not achieved. In those cases, the company will work directly with the treating physician and not with the patient directly. The success of Complexia relies upon an external business partner, Shipping Inc., who manufacturers the refrigerated casing designed specifically for this product. The product is required to be shipped overnight in a temperature-controlled package. You will need to work closely with this partner to ensure your manufacturing operation is able to increase as needed in a just-in-time environment to meet sales demands. Your contact’s name at Shipping Inc. is Lee Harold. You have received a customer complaint via the company’s social media page. The customer’s complaint is as follows: “My wife took Complexia, and she got incredibly sick! Who knows if the treatment will help her at all, but how can we even find out while she’s so sick? Maybe this drug shouldn’t be approved yet.” Design a multimedia presentation (e.g., PowerPoint) (suggested length of 5–7 slides and 7-10 minutes ) in which you motivate the company from your chosen scenario about the upcoming product by doing the following: 1. Summarize, for the current company employees, the new product from the chosen scenario, in your own words. a. Identify three important points regarding the product from the chosen scenario. C. Write an executive summary (suggested length of 1 page) based on your multimedia presentation

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