Adapting Engineering Design Tools to Include Human Factors

Topic of this assignment is “Adapting Engineering Design Tools to Include Human Factors”
Please read the instructions carefully this report is worth 40% of my final grade, therefore following instructions word by word is extremely critical
I will attach addition material to help u through the progression
1. the proposal
2. Course material
3. Citations guidelines
4. PowerPoints to help u in the writing process
Research the selected topic and prepare an engineering report, following the PEO Guidelines for Engineering Reports, starting with a Title, a Summary and clearly state your “thesis” (hypotheses) in relation to the strategic benefits to the Industry and Society vs. the economics of Health, Safety, Human Factors and Ergonomics.
• Develop, based on your research, the supporting arguments for your thesis, including: analysis, synthesis, data, diagrams, and illustrations, etc.
• Give specific case studies as well as concrete applications and/ordinate support your thesis (from your literature research).
• Consider both the technical and the socio-technical issues and the expected proposed recommendations and their impact.
Assignment guidelines:
The final term report contents/format should be organized following the PEO guidelines for Engineering Reports:
1) Introduction, Objectives,
2) Approach, Methods,
3) Analysis, Synthesis, and Testing,
4) Results and Conclusions,
5) Illustrations, Appendices and good Organization / presentation.
Report Format:
It is recommended that the report be suitably subdivided and include:
a) A title page and date; The Report should clearly indicate on the front page (and Table of Contents)
b) A signed declaration of authorship;
c) A table of contents;
d) A summary of the report and its conclusions;
e) Technical content including analysis, design, development or research;
f) Conclusions and/or recommendations;
g) A list of the technical literature cited;
h) A list of acknowledgements, contributors, reviewers and sources of information.
The report should be up to 5,000 words long not including tables and graphs. Diagrams, illustrations, etc. should be clearly and properly identified. It is preferable to locate graphs, diagrams, etc. necessary for the understanding of the text at the place immediately after reference to them is made.
References and sources of Information:
When drawing information from a textbook, article, report, letter or even a conversation, its essential to acknowledge the authors and/or source. This done using a citation in the text that refers to a source listed in the “References” section. Information presented without a citation will be attributed to the author. Hence, failure to adequately cite the sources where the information comes from constitutes plagiarism. n the traditional format, the References/Bibliography section appear at the end after the body of the Report, and can either precede or follow the Appendices. No particular style for references is recommended so students can use the format they have learned in technical communication classes. Below, however, are suggestions for References and Citations.).
The Final Engineering Report
The Engineering Report should be typed, using a font size of 11 or 12, double or 1.5 spacing, single- or double-sided, on the 8
1⁄2′′ x 11′′ (letter size) bond paper. The document should be properly bound.
While no rigid rules of format are specified, it is recommended that one or more of the numerous books on technical report writing be consulted.
Normally, a final document would contain:
a) a title page and date;
b) a signed declaration of authorship;
c) a table of contents;
d) nomenclature, list of figures and list of tables
e) a summary of the report and conclusions;
f) the body of the report, suitably subdivided;
g) a list of the technical literature cited;
h) a list of acknowledgements and sources of information. i) appendices, if needed
The length of the report will depend on the topic developed but it is suggested that it be about 5,000 words, or twenty-five typewritten pages (not including tables and figures).
Diagrams, illustrations, tables, equations, etc. should be clearly and properly referenced in the text. It is preferable to include the graphs, diagrams, tables, etc. necessary for the understanding of the text on the same page (or following page) where first reference to them is made.
iii) Report Grading
Submitted reports are examined by professional engineers who are recognized authorities in the area of engineering to which the report applies. The following aspects of the report will be examined and graded:
a) Introduction, Objectives: Statement of the problem, clarification of need and requirements;
b) Approach and Methods: Relevant literature review, use of suitable engineering concepts, theories and methods;
c) Analysis, Synthesis, and Testing: Use of modern concepts and methods for data gathering, testing, analysis, and synthesis, appropriateness of the inferences and deductions;
d) Results and Conclusions: Concise statement of the outcome and recommendations (as appropriate), the critical evaluation of results (discussion), evidence that the report’s objective(s) has been met;
e) Technical Writing and General Organizations: Technical writing (English, spelling, conciseness, clarity), cover page, nomenclature, list of figures, list of tables, abstract, table of contents, sequence of chapters/sections, references, appendices, overall adequacy and integration of the report.

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