How do racial minorities living in Malta perceive disability?


How do racial minorities living in Malta perceive disability?
Please read and follow strictly each and every rule listed below!!! It is really crucial and vital !!! -it is really important to note that this is a research project (thesis/ dissertaiton) results and discussion section only – this chapter must have introduction, results , results discussion and conclusion. They should be labelled in blue. Use subtitles and make it more engaging to the reader !!! -please transcribe professionally each and every recording in the uploaded folder called ‘interviews’ -there should be literature which is really really detailed and very very well explained . Literature review should support arguments portrayed in each interview !!! -there should be a really detailed and very well explained discussion of results !!! Compare and contrast the perception of disability among the different south african countries of all participants who participated in the research project -there should be a really detailed and very well explained literature about each country of each participant. This literature should explain on disability laws and other issues regarding disability of each country -this task should be literally focused on the really really in depth results and professionally explained discussion of the research project!! -this results and discusssion chapter should be showing and explaining in great detail and professionally in crucial points. This is very important!!!! -please interpret analyse and discipher each and every question of the interviews and each and answer of each and every participant who participated in this research project !! Both questions and answers of each participant should be analysed discphered and studied in great detail it should be very well explained among very well detailed other points !!! Please make an excel sheet with each and every question asked in the questionnaire uplo0aded !!! Please make sure to put all questions in a row and fictious names of all participants in a column !!! Clearly the answers of each and every respondent !!! Label each and every diagram!!! Please make sure sources of each argument is shown !!! Show sources of each and every image !!! -this section needs to be focused really detailed and really well explained interpreted and dischiphered !!! Professionality needs to be evident in the results and discussion part !!! – i really want to get a grade a!!! Discuss in real depth each and every question and answer of each and every participant – plagiarism must be avoided!!!! -bibliography must have page numbers of cited parts and should be on a saparate page following the results and discussion task !!! -apa referencing style shold be properly presented !!! It is essential !!! -bibliography must be very well presented!!! References must have page numbers even when citing and quoting i (ex: field 2005 , p.14) – there should be a chronology of facts!!! -please explain analyse interpret and dischipher really deeply all arguments brought up !!! -this part should have coherent and engaging arguments !!!! Critocal thinking must be highly evident!!! -it is crucial to think and argument like a sociologist!!! -each question and answer of each and every participant should a really detailed thematic analysis and discussion with it !!! -the use of british english should be professional and sociological!! -this task should be done with great dedication and responsibility!!! It should be very well presented and organised -reference to different sociologists must be made! Everything should be related with the title – mention a good number of sociologists as well !! Not less than 100 sociologists apart from those mentioned in powerpoint !!!Include sources always in apa style!!!! – please include labelled illustrations and images so that the reader would have a celarer picture!! Include sources of each image , illustration or argument in apa style include coloured clearly labelled maps bar charts pie charts statistical charts amogst others always show sources -please develop a professional conclusion perfectly siutable for the methodology chapter of my thesis dedication and professionality need to be evident in this task always give not less than 5 examples – this part is strictly 6325 words!! The number of words should exclude bibliography and results -this task should be professional !!!! -a powepoint presentation will be uploaded -other points related to the title results and discussion of dissertation should also be very well explained!! The task should be a detailed and very well explained -bibliography should have an array of different sources ranging from professional books scholarly articles snd websites !!! Emphasize on books and high profile scholarly articles other points should be discussed !!! -please refer to each and evry source listed in the powepoint referencing list among other references !!! Use professional interpreters to understand all interviews -thematic analysis should be done with each question and each corresponding answer of each and every participant !!! Dedication shall be evident in this task -the deadline is this sunday malta time zone please stick to deadline provide professional work !!!

How do racial minorities living in Malta perceive disability?
MrEmanuel Tabone,
March 2018
Table of Contents
•Objective: Social construction of disability
•Concepts: UN’s definition of disability, Third country Nationals, Definition of racial and ethnic groups.
•Literature Review: Medical model of Disability vs. Social model of disability. Criticism of both models; Disability in the Global North vs. Disability in the Global South: Social construction theory.
Method: semi-structured interviews
Recruitment method: Snowball sampling
•Conclusion 2
•The notion of disability is contested.
•Different cultures interpret disability in different ways.
•The objective of my research project is to analyse how Third Country Nationals living in Malta especially those coming from African countries perceive disability in their own culture from a sociological point of view.
•In this research project I will interpret how racial minorities who grew up in African countries who then came to Malta when they were sixteen and over and had the chance to be exposed to a different mind-set 3
UN definition of disability
•According to the UN ‘Persons with disabilities include those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual, or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others’. 4
Definitions: Racial and Ethnic Groups
•Racial groups are defined as ‘groups of people who have differences and similarities in biological traits deemed by society to be socially significant, meaning that people treat other people differently because of them. For instance, while differences and similarities in eye colour have not been treated as socially significant, differences and similarities in skin colour have.’ like for example Asian (Monogoloid) racial category.
•Ethnic groups are ‘groups of shared cultural practices, perspectives, and distinctions that set apart one group of people from another. That is, ethnicity is a shared cultural heritage. The most common characteristics distinguishing various ethnic groups are ancestry, a sense of history, language, religion, and forms of dress. Ethnic differences are not inherited; they are learned. ‘Ethnic groups in Africa include the Hausa ethnic group of people and the Mandinka people (ethnic group)
•In theEuropean Union, the term is often used, together with “foreign national” and “non-EU foreign national”, to refer to individuals who are neither from the EU country in which they are currently living or staying, nor from othermember states of the European Union. (Eurofound)
Models of Disability
Social vs Medical Models of Disability
Medical model of disability
•The medical model portrays disability as lying within the person and that the person needs to be repaired.
•The medical model focuses on the minimization or elimination of disability from a medical point of view (pharmaceuticals)
•Medical sociologistssuch as Anselm Strauss and Peter Conrad have contributed in this theory. 8
Social model of disability
In the social model, society is the problem.
It constructs barriers for a person with disability to engage and interact with people.
Barriers include lack of education of citizens where a disability is concerned, labelling, stigma and lack of accessibility to places.
Dr.Tom Shakespeare a sociologist disabled himself. He says that disability is socially constructed. 9
Global North vs. Global South
•The perception of disability in societies in the Global North is different from that of the Global South. In the Global North people are more individualistic than in the Global South
•On the other hand, in the Global South there is communal feeling and each individual portrays uses her or his full potential to help others.
•Around 15 % of the world’s population (est. 1 billion) people live with disabilities.
•They are the world’s largest minority.
•Numbers are increasingdue to population growth, ageing, medical advances, climate change, etc.
•80% of PwD(Persons with Disabilities) live in developing countries (United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
•Vulnerability: the poorest, women and girls, people otherwise already disadvantaged, marginalized tend to have a disability.
•Lack of education (90% not attending the school in the global South); unemployed, lack of political representation, medical attention.
•While Northern discourses promote an examination of disabled bodies in social dynamics, it is argued that the politics of impairment in the global South must understand social dynamics in bodies.
Social Constructivism Theory
•Social Constructionism attempts to make sense of the social world.
•Social constructionists view knowledge as constructed as opposed to created.
•Social constructionism originated as an attempt to come to terms with the nature of reality. It has its origins in sociology and has been associated with the post-modern era in qualitative research. This is linked to the hyperbolic doubt posed by Bacon, the idea that observations are an accurate reflection of the world that is being observed (Murphy et al., 1998).
•Social constructionism is essentially an anti-realist, relativist stance (Hammersley, 1992). 11
•I will be adopting a qualitative approach for my research project.
•Qualitative approach enables the researcher to obtain an depth overview of a phenomenon.
•I will be using qualitative semi-structured interviews. This is because I need to discuss certain themes with participants but at the same time leave it free for participants to raise issues that I have never encountered. 12
Recruiting participants
•I will be using snowball sampling to recruit 8 to 10 participants from Africa. Key contacts will help me contact the first two respondents. Each respondent will then help me require subsequent ones.
•A disadvantage of snowball sampling as a recruitment method is that it is difficult to obtain a representative sample.
•Snowball sampling may help you discover characteristics about a population that you weren’t aware existed like for example, the casual illegal downloader vs. the for-profit downloader. 13
•Sociologists study why and how people relate with one another in various ways.
•I will study cultural differences in the way the disabled are perceived.
•These perceptions derive from a system of belief related to health, illness, normality, and disability
Spiritual world view (religion/witchcraft) and belief system: (evil) curse or special gift/recognition (by God)
Attitudes: depend often on the traditions, beliefs and social
Shame, fear, ignorance, contempt vs respect, community care
Concept of personhood: self-realization through community, benefit to community, communal leadership and traditional authority
African traditional values of solidarity and egalitarianism; criticism of Western individualism and liberalism (hypocrisy, non-African, socially destructive)
•Taylor & Francis. (2018). Between art therapy and disability aesthetics: a sociological approach for understanding the intersection between art practice and disability discourse. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20th March . 2018].
•Bauman, Z. (2012). Modernity and the Holocaust. Cambridge: Polity.
•Giddens, A. (2003). Runaway World.New York: Routledge.
•Davis J. Leonard (2006) The Disability Studies Reader 2ndEdition New York: Routledge pp.131-153
•GrechS. SoldaticK (eds) (2016) Disability in the Global South The Critical Handbook Switzerland: Springer
• [Accessed on 20thMarch 2018]
• [Accessed 20 March 2018]

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