Please find attached ALL the information to write this essay in the word document attached. Please read everything carefully.
Guidelines for the Essay
Initial Assessment: Individual written ESSAY (1700 – 1900 words)
Learning Outcomes Assessed: 1 & 2
1. Examine and evaluate the factors that encourage the continued use of an expatriate workforce in enabling companies to build their multinational presence.
2. Critically evaluate the relative value in the use of parent company employees / nationals versus home country nationals versus third country nationals to access potential international markets.
Constructing Assignment
• The focus of this work is to examine and evaluate the reasons why companies might still continue to use parent company employees / nationals (expatriates) to work on international assignments in order to build their presence in the international / global marketplace. You must consider the purpose and value of using an expatriate workforce and how this can help the organization to establish and build on their strategy in the international environment.
• You will further need to evaluate the relative value of using different staffing approaches (ethnocentric – using parent country and company staff; polycentric – using host country staff; geocentric – using capable staff regardless of nationality), examining what each approach can potentially achieve in enabling the organization to achieve its end goal.
1. Include a header page on your work. An example is provided in this document (see page 17 of this document).
2. A Module Assignment Checklist should also be included (see page 18 of this document).
3. This work does NOT need a Contents Page, so please do not include one.
4. You can use sub-headers to structure and direct the reader’s attention to the topic you are discussing. That said, please do NOT just use Introduction, Main Issue, Main Report, or Conclusion etc as subheaders. They possibly indicate a lack of creative thinking.
5. For reference, an essay will NOT make recommendations.
6. Keep focused on the topic you are discussing. Do not wander into writing anything that might simply appear to be interesting, it must be relevant.
7. You are likely to use a minimum of eighteen (18) and maximum of twenty-eight (28) different and appropriate academic sources to support your work. Fewer than 18 sources and you are less likely to evidence any depth to your research or appropriate academic underpinning to the work. More than 28 sources and you may be getting too academically bound with evidencing any depth of application and understanding.
8. In order to get you focused on developing a sound academic argument, you will not be allowed to use web sources as a means of academic underpinning. That means you cannot use anything from the web (www.) to construct your assignment submission.
Please Note the following conditions:
1. You will NOT discuss talent, talent planning or talent management.
2. Using practical examples (from published academic articles or books) to underpin and validate your points will likely earn you extra points.
3. Each module participant must agree their assignment focus with the module tutor before fully engaging with the necessary depth of research and construction / presentation of the work. Failure to acknowledge or adhere (follow) these conditions may result in decreased grade outcomes.
Words That Help Your Argument
✓ points out that . . . . . . . e.g. Hayes (2010) points out that . . . .
✓ argues . . . . . . . e.g. Harzing & Pinnington (2015) argue that . . . .
✓ maintains . . . . . . . e.g. Pryor & Bright (2011) maintain that . . . .
✓ claims . . . . . . . e.g. Porter, Smith & Fagg (2006) claim that . . . .
✓ concludes . . . . . . . e.g. Daft (2011) concludes that . . . .
✓ suggests . . . . . . . e.g. Hayton et al (2012) suggest that . . . .
So Remember That . . . .
1. When constructing your assignment, please avoid putting too many direct quotes in your work (possibly 2 would be the maximum throughout the whole assignment and this is more than enough). Too many direct quotes simply show that you can copy ideas from others and that is NOT good academic practice. It is likely to impact your grade negatively.
2. Direct quotes should not be overly long and must be encased in quotation marks. Ideally, they should not more than a couple (2) of lines long. Remember direct quotes require a page number in the citation (e.g. Dowling, Festing & Engle 2008:80 or Dowling, Festing & Engle 2008 p80).
3. Learn to paraphrase the ideas or thoughts of the academic source. This is far better academic practice.
4. Use multiple sources (not less than 3 and ideally at least 4) in each and every part of your analysis and discussion. This provides you with greater scope to develop the argument and evidences to the reader that you have read around the subject.
5. Remember also to include your interpretation; what is often considered to be third person narrative. It is absolutely essential when constructing academic dialogue.
6. So please remember; theory, context and interpretation (and vary it). Do not just use one approach throughout your work.