Washington and WEB DuBois were both influential leaders in African Americans’ equality movement

Washington and WEB DuBois were both influential leaders in African Americans’ equality movement in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. As leaders, both had drastically different opinions as to how African Americans should pursue civil equality. Read their perspectives and identify how they believed African Americans should pursue equality. Directions: Read Documents 21-5 and 21-6 out of Reading the American Past and review p. 585-587 in American Promise, then respond to this question in 1-2 well developed paragraphs. Post 1: Briefly state both Washington’s and DuBois’ main approach for gaining civil equality. Which one do you think would be most effective? Explain. Post 2: Go back and read your fellow classmates posts. Do you agree or disagree with argument about which strategy is more effective? Post on at least one other post and explain whether or not you agreed or disagreed with their interpretation.

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