Media frame analysis of the two Iraq Wars 1991 & 2003, and the role of social media during Iraq war 2003

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THE MEDIA FRAMING OF IRAQ WARS 1991 & 2003 AND THE CHALLENGING ROLE OF ALTERNATIVE MEDIA IN PROVING IT FALLACIOUS Research Questions, Q1) How TV channels promote national agenda and hijack the minds of the people, follows the government stance, national interest, portray mis-information, embedded journalism, controlled and censored news for the TV audience? Q2) How media frames tend to affect public opinion? How media construct views, storylines and shape public opinion? Q3) To what extent global audience depend heavily on mainstream media to get news and information and media construct views, storylines and shape public opinion? Q4) How Al-Jazeera and social media challenged the mainstream media / TV news channels during Iraq war 2003? Few prominent social forums were Salam Pax blogger, Military blogs by US soldiers in Iraq and expose of Abu Ghraib prison images on social media by US soldiers in Iraq 2003 Approaches (a) Agenda Setting in News (b) Media Framing in News (c) Concepts of news objectivity and credibility (d) Power of mainstream media (e) Gulf War (1990-1991) [coverage / famous news frames used by major media networks] (f) Iraq War (2003) [coverage / famous news frames used by major media networks] (g) Al-Jazeera network coverage during Afghan War 2001 and Iraq War 2003 as an alternative source and proved the western media coverage based on false allegations and manipulated Role of Social Media / three prominent cases during Iraq war 2003 (a) Blogging (Salam Pax, Iraqi blogger) as an alternative source (b) Military blogs (by US soldiers in Iraq) as an alternative source (c) Expose of Abu Ghraib photos on social media by US soldiers in Iraq and were broadcasted by Western media The above mentioned is tentative, the writer of Rush Essay is entitled to make changes and addition. Basically, I intend to carry out a detailed research on the representations of wars on TV news and how it is becoming more challenging due to the modern technology such as social media, mobile phones and other alternative sources of information sharing for the audience/viewers to question the crediblity of the mainstream media.

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