why we do not have free will,

Describe D’Holbach’s argument for why we do not have free will, even though it might appear to us that we do. Is he right?

1) Elliott Sober on Free WillPreview the document
Excerpt from Elliott Sober, Core Questions in Philosophy, Chapts. 24 & 25, Pearson: Boston, 2013.
2) Baron D’Holbach: Free will & Determinism are IncompatiblePreview the document
Excerpt from Baron D’Holbach, ‘Of the System of Man’s Free Agency’ in A System of Nature (1770), (Trans). H.D. Robinson.
3) W.T.Stace, Free will & Determinism are compatiblePreview the document
Excerpt from W.T. Stace, 1952, (pp. 248-258) in Religion & the Modern Mind, HarperCollins: London.
4) Further notes on Free will & DeterminismPreview the document
Excerpt from McKenna, Michael, ​and Coates, D. Justin, “Compatibilism”, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2015 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = .

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