Public health

Social gradient, Stress, Early childhood development ,Social exclusion, Unemployment, Social support networks ,Addiction ,Availability of healthy food ,Availability of healthy transportation .Consider the different ways in which these determinants might impact on people’s health, and the inequalities that might result.

Use the glossary to develop Use your WHO Health Promotion Glossary to determine definitions of inequity and inequality (page seven of the glossary).

Around 85% of the world’s population lives in developing countries, but is served by only approximately 30% of the world’s radiotherapy facilities. Conversely, the developed countries, with 15% of the world’s population, have 70% of these facilities. Approximately 30 countries (15 countries in Africa as well as several in Asia) do not have even one radiation therapy machine. (International Atomic Energy Authority,

Read the section on inequalities in access and consider if inequity is found in developing countries only. Post a comment

Consider the issue of gender, women, and health on the WHO website.
study the fact sheet about gender inequality and health on the WHO website.
Decide what you think are the most important points from your the fact sheet and summarise these

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