The physical needs of children

Question 3.1: Describe the physical needs of children

Question 3.2: Explain the role of the Early Years practitioner during:
• Nappy changing:

• Toilet training:

• Washing and bath time:

• Care of skin, teeth and hair:

• Meal times:

Question 3.3: Explain the rest and sleep needs of:
• A baby aged 6 weeks:

• A baby aged 7 months:

• A toddler aged 15 months:

• A child aged 2 qnd a half years:

• A child aged 4 – 5 years:

• A child aged 6 – 7 years:
Question 3.4: Explain safety precautions that minimise the risk of sudden infant death syndrome.

Question 4.1: Describe factors within the Early Years setting that may impact upon the health and well-being of children.

Question 4.2: Evaluate national and local initiatives that promote children’s health and well-being.

Question 4.3: Analyse the role of the Early Years practioner in maintaining a healthy environment for children.

Question 4.4: Evaluate benefits of working in partnership with parents/carers in relation to children’s health and well-being.

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