The food industry

The food industry intentionally manipulates consumers by taking advantage of the fact that most consumers are ignorant of all of the ways that the food industry manufactures and processes its products. The food industry also manipulates consumers by developing food that keeps people coming back for more. However, because you have researched and reviewed recommendations regarding the the errant ways of the food industry.

To what extent:
has the food industry manipulated you by making food irresistible?
have you experienced the “Americanization” of the world’s cuisine?
has the “Americanization” of the world’s cuisine affected you?
have you been affected by the manufacturing process of food?
have you been affected by the marketing and selling of food?
do you think you have been affected by purple cow products?
has overeating become increasingly dangerous in your life?
In your considered assessment, how might the food industry be reformed to the betterment of your consumption habits? Explore one or two specific policy ideas for improving the food industry’s operations with respect to consumers’ health and welfare.

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